PART I....continuation.......
OMG! The
OneTouch Recovery Key is awesome! When the PC is off, then pressing that button gives u 4 options: 1. Normal Startup, 2. BIOS Setup, 3. Boot Options, 4. Recovery
When on 50% brightness and listening to songs, the battery app shows
8hrs remaining on 80% charge! Oh my god. Am i seeing ghosts?
The sound quality was ok and then when i switched ON
dolby theatre, i was blown off! Man, the sound really becomes great when u switch ON that app! There are 3 modes: Movie, Music, Gaming
The Z500 sleeps & wakes up really quick. ITS FAST. From playing a game (quit it with alt+F4) to putting it to sleep mode (pressing the power key puts it to sleep) takes less than 5 seconds! really annoying thing: the F buttons needs the Fn button to be pressed with it...meaning, example: the F7 button has Airplane mode special function. But when u need to use the F7 inside an app for the app's functionality, then u need to press Fn+F7 buttons. Pressing the F7 alone will activate Airplane mode! Lenny, thats stupid!
I badly miss the processor/harddisk activity indicator.
Very surprisingly, the viewing angles are great...i can see the LCD almost tangentially! The colour reproduction is pretty satisfactory. No complaints with the LCD.