Please note that mine earlier version was JF6 not JF3
How could that be?
U got JF6 as stock firmware or u rooted?
If u had JF6 and then got JF4 u actually I right Kalpik?
And about my upgrading to JF4 its in process...u don't have any idea what all u need to do for a mobile firmware update, let me tell u... (no plz, I'll tell)
1>U run winXP and ur frnd's lappy just broke down b4 u try 2nd time for upgrade
2>U decide to install Kies on ur pc and u knew it would require win7
3>U format PC, delete partition and realize that one primary partition is of 9GB and another 15GB partition is in Logical and in no way u cam merge them
4>U spent 2 hrs with a OpenSuse image (oh, u burned it in ur other frnd's lappy that time) to merge those two partitions but failed.
5>U boot in to Suse Live and take backup ur whole HDD in ur new 2TB drive
6>Delete the whole drive and Suse starts installation.
7>Did u know when linux installs u can't eject the DVD tray, it gets mounted? U knew right..well I forgot. So, while preventing Suse to install I pressed alt+ctrl+del to reboot PC.
8>Now I found my Suse DVD is stuck in tray and is not ejecting.
9>Somehow managed to remove the DVD with the help of a sewing needle from one of my friend (oh, God bless them)
10>Then I put Win7 DVd again started installing.
11>When asked for partition, win7 allowed me to make 3 partitions and all become primary partition!!! I didn't suspect any foul play and continued.
12>Installation complete and system booted into desktop @7.30PM
13>Configured net and installed KIS2011
14>System hanged and I rebooted
15>It got stuck @veryfying DMI pool data.
16>Did everything that can be done from BIOS and at last opend cabby, changed RAM slots, battery etc.
17>Pluggegd in and booted.
18>Now no display in my monitor @11.30PM
19>Again opened cabby and redo all things. after 4-5 such session system booted with display 12.30AM
20>Started installing Win7 and went to sleep 1.30AM
21>Morning I found that system is again stuck @verifying DMI pool data. 7AM
22>Put WinXp cd and delete whole partition. Created 1 Primary partition and 4 logical partition.
23>Installed Win7 and found system booted into desktop 945AM and I came office
24>Next task is to configure net and install KIS 2011 and KIES when returning home (if my system boots into desktop again

So wish me luck for my firmware upgrade...plz, I need a lot good luck today.