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Which is the team you HATE the most

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Rural Terror

Broken In
I get a feeling that Adebayor will not go. He can guarantee us goals, if not the quality.

Though, if he regains his form back, he is well capable of scoring 20+ like he scored 32 goals for us last season.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Quite a good selection. :p But I would have rather Fowler than Owen. But then Fowler was more prominent in the 1990s than 2000s.
My choice would be Luis Garcia playing in a 4-2-3-1 formation as team of the decade instead of Owen and Torres as sole striker.
And I never saw McAllister play, so not sure about him.


Rural Terror

Broken In

whats Ca$hley doing there?

And Henry & Bergkamp >>>>> every Premier League player.

Wikipedia said:
Ashley Cole

(Redirected from Cashley Cole)

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I have the same feeling about you.
What is happening to this world. Cant criticize homos and now cant critcize SAF. Who is he? God? Have i done any blasphemy?
I have nothing against you but then again you behave like Barrack Obama, who is the law.
I realise that one is NOT allowed ti say the obvious in-front of your majesty Ashwin.

So STOP speaking from your <--->
I havent made fun of you or ssk in that post and so dont make fun of me either :p

arey! what has happened to this world! People can't debate/argue about stuff.

Rahim, you can criticize gays/homo's/arses anyone. I just don't care.

you criticize SAF for something which I felt wasn't called for and therefore, I said all the things that I did. But now you come out pretending to be the most sane person around. {btw, you play that card quite well}

On this forum, when you say something and someone else doesn't agree with what you've said and he criticizes you and you can't take it on face value. You have to think that I've sinned by criticizing your point of view and that there is a major conspiracy to humiliate you!

and why has barrack obama come in between? or even GOD for that matter?

Where I see it, it involves you, me and SAF's policy.. Don't act like a typical politician and start comparing people and inject irrelevant details into a discussion.

I get a feeling that Adebayor will not go. He can guarantee us goals, if not the quality.

Though, if he regains his form back, he is well capable of scoring 20+ like he scored 32 goals for us last season.

Where will you lot get the goals from? just RVP? or is there any other possible transfer? An established striker? or yet another kid?

Rural Terror

Broken In
arey! what has happened to this world! People can't debate/argue about stuff.

Rahim, you can criticize gays/homo's/arses anyone. I just don't care.

you criticize SAF for something which I felt wasn't called for and therefore, I said all the things that I did. But now you come out pretending to be the most sane person around. {btw, you play that card quite well}

On this forum, when you say something and someone else doesn't agree with what you've said and he criticizes you and you can't take it on face value. You have to think that I've sinned by criticizing your point of view and that there is a major conspiracy to humiliate you!

and why has barrack obama come in between? or even GOD for that matter?

Where I see it, it involves you, me and SAF's policy.. Don't act like a typical politician and start comparing people and inject irrelevant details into a discussion.
:lol: This calls for a very big: niaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Where will you lot get the goals from? just RVP? or is there any other possible transfer? An established striker? or yet another kid?
We scored 68 league goals this season (equal to Chel$h!t and ManUre), and surprisingly Adebayor + RVP scored only 21 out of those. Eduardo is better than Adebayor & RVP both combined if we talk of finishing. Wenger is interested in a striker named Marouane Chamakh from Bordeaux.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
arey! what has happened to this world! People can't debate/argue about stuff.

Rahim, you can criticize gays/homo's/arses anyone. I just don't care.

you criticize SAF for something which I felt wasn't called for and therefore, I said all the things that I did. But now you come out pretending to be the most sane person around. {btw, you play that card quite well}

On this forum, when you say something and someone else doesn't agree with what you've said and he criticizes you and you can't take it on face value. You have to think that I've sinned by criticizing your point of view and that there is a major conspiracy to humiliate you!

and why has barrack obama come in between? or even GOD for that matter?

Where I see it, it involves you, me and SAF's policy.. Don't act like a typical politician and start comparing people and inject irrelevant details into a discussion.

loooooooooooooooool! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Slideshow Bob
We scored 68 league goals this season (equal to Chel$h!t and ManUre), and surprisingly Adebayor + RVP scored only 21 out of those. Eduardo is better than Adebayor & RVP both combined if we talk of finishing. Wenger is interested in a striker named Marouane Chamakh from Bordeaux.

Too bad your 'defence' is as porous as a sponge and your leading goal-scorer in the league ranks 15th overall. :lol:

Rural Terror

Broken In

But I'll be placing my bet on Eduardo. From what I've seen of him, I think he'll prove himself this season.

Eduardo has a brilliant attitude even off the field, thats what I like about him.


Slideshow Bob
Cavenaghi is much better than Chamakh. Both play for Bordeaux. Huntelaar is being mentioned as a possible replacement for Adabadoo in the Daily Mail.


Make Way the LORD is Here
Re: United Lost Another Fan in Me

I feel like not supporting United anymore with this circus-going on.
He has left Wenger behind in terms of kanjoosi.

Thanks You Fergie for treating fans like dirt.

how has saf treated u like dirt. Could you please care to explain.A team does not need many stars to win.It needs to have good chemistry and teamwork. If u are so fickle in supporting the club that u are going to desert it if something does not happen according to you.. . . . . . Dude be loyal if u want to truly support the club. Never talk about leaving.I have supported united for something like 11-12 years. For e.g. I watched van the man score goals day in and day out but we were not winning anything. I was frustrated with saf, i criticised him but never changed my allegiance like most of my friends who started supporting chelshit and others.. Now coming to your opinion. Who said you cant criticize saf . You can but with some valid reasoning.Dont just rant. You believe that we need a big signing. Fine. I dont. I have faith in the squad. The transfer market is inflated.I guess saf doesnt want to over pay.And everything said is not to be believed. He may still buy someone whose stopping him from doing that.And you should always remember we have a big debt to clear.
Last but not the least no body can defeat wenger in kanjosi :D . Typing on a mobile is a pain in the ass
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