City are welcome to Terry. He should have been stripped of the captaincy after the Champions League Final. Not because he missed a penalty, but because he subsequently failed to lead the team and gave up the trophy. After his miss, the scores were level. Everything was still to play for. But what did Terry do? Go back to his team-mates and exhort them to make up for his miss? Did he urge them to keep their chins up and go for victory? Isn’t that what a captain is meant to do? No, he crumbled like a cissy, crying for himself and utterly abandoning his so-called “Mr. Chelsea” captain’s duties.
Did Ronaldo fall to the ground weeping when he missed his penalty kick? Of course not. If anything, it seemed to make the Manchester captain and subsequent United kickers more determined. But Terry’s pitiful laying on the ground in forlorn defeat told the rest of the Chelsea team that this was it… they had lost… the game was up… Terry admitted defeat… kaput… finished. This wasn’t a captain at work. It was a glory hunter who could not see beyond his own misery and his self-indulgence and self-interest on that night forever labels him as the captain who undeniably deserted his team at the moment they most needed lifting. All the theatrical fist-waving and bellowing that Terry exhibits in his routine captaincy methods counted for zero as he folded, blubbering, with a Champions League trophy still attainable.
Imagine Terry doing the same thing in the World Cup Final… with the scores level and him weeping and gagging, sitting on his backside on the pitch, leaving the rest of the team captainless while he bemoans his personal bad luck. Terry capitulated. Whatever the pressure or excuses, he was not up to it. He choked absolutely and feebly when it mattered.
50million for this fellow would be a godsend of miracle proportions.