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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Make Way the LORD is Here
a-rahim chill yaar. We dont need a crowd puller.we can do without one. Ronaldo is not a massive loss cause we got paid massively for him.and SAF will get the midfield and the attack reinforced.if he cant find suitable players now he'll do it in jan. Peace. :)


Hmm...I've thought about this Owen thing and somehow I don't feel it is the worst that could happen.

Leave aside all the Manchester-Liverpool rivalry that the brits have going..I honestly don't care much about it....

Michael Owen will come in for free...MO won't get weekly wages anywhere near the other 'established' stars... So it won't make a huge dent in the United coffers.

PLUS this is only July and the transfer market is only just opened. So IF SAF does go for some other like Augero/Fabiano or anyone else, then this Owen thing might actually make some sense.

But if he doesn't then NO -- Owen wont be good choice.. but then he'll give Hargreaves good company :D

its something like someone handing out some old model nokia phone for free --- n6300 for example :p

Take it, use it --- like it, keep it... else throw it :D

It all depends on who else SAF signs. {with all the cash, he should get Augero at least}


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
^ ^ ^
Owen ain't no Robbie Fowler. He turned to more like McManaman. He showed his back to us when me most needed him. He never gave any trust to Rafa and let down a chance to come back to Anfield.
Owen was a great player who provided us with great goals and would be always be remembered for that but he never was an LFC legend.
Moreover it would be foolish, to be sentimental these days, particularly on a player who never was that loyal and is nowhere as good now as he was then.
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