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Manchester United is delighted to announce that it has signed Michael Owen on a two-year contract. The striker was out of contract, so no transfer fee is involved.

Sir Alex Ferguson said: "Michael is a world class forward with a proven goalscoring record at the highest level and that has never been in question. Coming to Manchester United with the expectations that we have is something that Michael will relish.”

Michael Owen said: "I had just begun to talk to other clubs when out of the blue Sir Alex phoned me on Wednesday afternoon, invited me to have breakfast with him the next morning during which he told me that he wanted to sign me. I agreed without a moment's thought.

"This is a fantastic opportunity for me and I intend to seize it with both hands.

"I am now looking forward to being a Manchester United player and I am fortunate that I already know so many of the players here. I missed pre-season last year and am pleased that I will be starting at Carrington from day one.

"I want to thank Sir Alex for the faith he has shown in me and I give him my assurance that I will repay him with my goals and performances”


@Rahim -- bald mat ho jaana... :D


"I want to thank Sir Alex for the faith he has shown in me and I give him my assurance that I will repay him with my goals and performances”

Now this I hope he means from the heart. He actually has a lot more of an obligation towards SAF. Now its upto him to redeem his pride and career.

SAF has given a fresh lease of life for his career and so I hope he does well.


Make Way the LORD is Here
So it has happened. I just hope he is fit for 6 moths out of the whole season. I hope i'm not demanding 2 much from mr. Owen :D


^ let the guy be fit enough to play the whole season.

He is way too injury prone. The only advantage of signing him is that United have now got a good backup striker for free. Thats all.


^ what did you mean?

And btw, you're no Brit..then why are you into all that scouse the $hit?

oh and you're a scouser too :|


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
^ ^ ^
It was a joke, Relax :p (regarding Rooney and now Owen)

BTW I see lot of knee jerk reaction for Owen's transfer to ManUre from Liverpool fans.... :(
I guess they have forgotten the 2001 FAC!!! :|
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