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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Hmm...interesting...But to be really honest quite a lot of people were predicting 1-1 and it's quite simple to predict Drogba and Ballack being booked. (not Alex though)..

Though indeed I wouldn't really be surprised if indeed there is a conspiracy by UEFA. UEFA always hates English teams. Remember Gaillard? The (unt who called Liverpool fans as worst, when it was all UEFA's fault.
The refreeing was dodgy in Athens 07 as well.


Slideshow Bob
UEFA is anti-English, esp. Platini. I'm surprised Chelsea have made no comment on the issue till now. Anyways, we'll be getting to know our 'punishment' today.


Talk as much we can but the reality is that Chelsea were dumped out not by Barcelona but by the referee :p


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Well with the behaviour or Dogbreath and Bollock, well, you lot deserved to be at least get those player banned for a few doubt...They were a disgrace...

But wonder if Pratini has other things in his mind...I mean Chelsea *as a club* aren't guilty. Compared to Italy the things clubs tend to get away this is nothing...


Slideshow Bob
Well with the behaviour or Dogbreath and Bollock, well, you lot deserved to be at least get those player banned for a few doubt...They were a disgrace...

Consider the occasion - a CL semi, you're leading, all through the game the ref has been denying you legimitate penalties, in the end Barca score and yet again the ref denies another penalty. Emotions run high in such conditions. They reacted the way anyone would have. Ballack has been a losing finalist in the WC, twice in the CL and now he can't get to another final coz the ref was sh1t.

As for Drogba, everyone knows his fondness for the dramatic and how sensitive he can get.

They will get punished and I'm not saying that they were right in doing what they did. But at that time you don't think of the consequences, you just let it all out.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Consider the occasion - a CL semi, you're leading, all through the game the ref has been denying you legimitate penalties, in the end Barca score and yet again the ref denies another penalty. Emotions run high in such conditions. They reacted the way anyone would have. Ballack has been a losing finalist in the WC, twice in the CL and now he can't get to another final coz the ref was sh1t.

As for Drogba, everyone knows his fondness for the dramatic and how sensitive he can get.

They will get punished and I'm not saying that they were right in doing what they did. But at that time you don't think of the consequences, you just let it all out.
Well to be very honest. Would have been GUTTED, would have thrown tremendous amount of swearing. No Doubt. I admit. :p
But you have to be careful what you do, they (the players) are the face of the club. They have to control their emotions. Their behaviour enraged the fans even more and I am sure this incensed the fans so much that they are sending death threats to the referee.
I wouldn't say a Liverpool player wouldn't have reacted in that manner, maybe or maybe not; but whoever it may have been would have had to face the sanctions as well. :|
Wrongs happen a lot, but the the fact is everyone has to swallow that in any job or circumstance, this is professionalism.


What do you want the players to do? Take away emotions and passion from Liverpool FC and see their demise. I too reacted the same way when Iniesta scored and wanted to pull the referee's eyes out.
One cant just watch a match like robots and then dont react with emotions. What Chelsea players are going through is this: On May 27 they will be watching a undeserved team playing against the Defending Champions.

Advice to Barcelona will be to chalk out a plan B as i saw them doing 1-way round in both kegs. Having classy plauers is one thing and playing differently when the original plan doesnt work is quite another. So Barcelona has one hand on the trophy already?


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
As a side note, got to laud the way Guus Hiddink handled everthing. Kudos to him.
Whether he wins FA Cup or not, Chelsea fans should always remember him.


Professionalism? Then dont talk of diving by Ronaldo or antics of Drogba, you must swallow it as this is proffessionalism :sarcastic:

Jyada gyaan mat de Anurag. We are talking about grave un-justice meted out to one team, no matter who that team is. Yesterday was Chelsea, then tomorrow will be Liverpool and United. then i will see how gentlemanly you will be.

Drawing room mein bhaashan dene aasaan hai. Its a pressure cooker situation for those players and when they see alltheir hard work going down the drain, they will react without giving a hoot about consequences. Curse to UEFA President and its lalloo officials.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
What do you want the players to do? Take away emotions and passion from Liverpool FC and see their demise. I too reacted the same way when Iniesta scored and wanted to pull the referee's eyes out.
One cant just watch a match like robots and then dont react with emotions. ?

Nope. I don't mean to take away all the passion. I only mean they should not lose control like that. Dogbreath was just too bad. Ballack, was acting literally like a thug (and in his case it even wasn't a penalty IMO, unlike Pique and Abidal which were clear cut penalties).


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Professionalism? Then dont talk of diving by Ronaldo or antics of Drogba, you must swallow it as this is proffessionalism :sarcastic:

Jyada gyaan mat de Anurag. We are talking about grave un-justice meted out to one team, no matter who that team is. Yesterday was Chelsea, then tomorrow will be Liverpool and United. then i will see how gentlemanly you will be.

Drawing room mein bhaashan dene aasaan hai. Its a pressure cooker situation for those players and when they see alltheir hard work going down the drain, they will react without giving a hoot about consequences. Curse to UEFA President and its lalloo officials.
By professionalism, I meant to express your emotions at the right place and at right time. It's is not a way to get in front of camera and say "f***** disgrace". Now way!!!
And I DO NOT mean they shouldn't be angry AT ALL. The have all the right to be angry, but there has to be some control.
And lastly Dogbreath is the LAST person having right to complain regarding this matter. If it was Lampard, I would have my respects but him...NO WAY!!!


i didnt get time to read the posts since last nite ...
but here is what i see tdy whn i reach home frm office..

Drogba faces wait on Uefa verdict

theek hai ... fair enough

now let me wonder aloud..... Drogba will get banned for 5 games for his overreaction and Ballack may be for 2 games for running behind the ref. accepted....
but does anyone have an estimate as to how much Chelsea FC would loose financially and how much bookies would have lost financially because UEFA's referee was shoddy or was asked to do so (whatever the case may be).

@all assume what happened to chelsea fc happened to the club you support. what is ur take. .



Slideshow Bob
but does anyone have an estimate as to how much Chelsea FC would loose financially and how much bookies would have lost financially because UEFA's referee was shoddy or was asked to do so (whatever the case may be).

I read an article on this very subject yesterday. Here are a few points from it:

Either he (referee) is bent and has been tapped up by UEFA, he is stupid or he is just negligent. Now the guy is a psychologist MD in Norway, so clearly he isn't stupid or mentally retarded. We have to assume he knows the rules of the game also, so we are left with the question:


Or Negligent?

If we assume for one minute that our conspiracy theories are false and that UEFA like us, and had no preference as regards the final in Rome (against all evidence, it has to be said), then that just leaves negligence.

He was negligent in his role and UEFA were negligent in appointing a negligent Ref, surely? If that is the case, then surely we have to have a replay? UEFA have a duty of care to the players, teams and sponsors to adjudicate in a fair and correct manner. By failing in this duty, they call into question the whole integrity of the competition. If there is the merest hint of impropriety, or if the body provides inadequate means to adjudicate a game correctly and in a fair and reasonable manner, then the game has to be null and void. If the integrity of the Referee is called into question by the decisions he makes, then its clear - the game is null and void.

At what point does a Ref go from poor decisions to negligence? How many big, major decisions does he have to get wrong? I count seven big ones from last night. Seven is pretty negligent from where I'm sitting - lets not dwell on the fact that they went 6-1 in Barca's favour. Seven major decisions, and that is not counting the minor decisions.

You could reasonably expect the Ref to make the correct decision at least 50% of the time, and so anything more than 50% wrong, say 75% for good measure, of your major decisions in the big games then you have a case for negligence.
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