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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Slideshow Bob
^ He was writhing on the floor when Benteke was done with him. :lol:

WEIMANN again!! 2-0 Villa!!!

Her-nandeZ!! 2-1... Game on!! :D

Little Pee again :D



Welbeck fan :D
Matteo Squire on Twitter: "Arsenal are making the transition between a top table club to a mid-table club. I'm ashamed to be an Arsenal fan."

The club is ashamed to have fans like this idiot, to be honest.


Judgement Time!!
lol @ arteta miss at the end..should have scored that..was surprised none of the strikers took it...does giroud not take penalty's?...Utd again same thing...go down & outscore the living **** out of your opponent...


Human Spambot
If by mid table you mean best of the rest, we have been there for quite some time. Don't think we are slipping any furthur down. 4th spot is what, 4 points away?


The only way we can beat liverpool is by keeping Luiz on the bench and playing ivanovic at LB and azpilicueta at RB ... with cahill and terry as CB...
bertrand sud not be played at LB at any cost ....

meanwhile ... the time has come for arse fans ..
Arsene Wenger ready to spend £30million on Edinson Cavani | Mail Online


a brace for torres today .. and a 3-1 win .. assuming we dont leak goals as easily as we did in the last 5 games ...


cant believe Bertrand is starting at LB ... game over

Ivanovic preferred to Cahill in the middle. huh!!!

Chelsea defender David Luiz tweets: "I'm sad! I wanted to play today, but I can't because of a tonsillitis. Come on Chelsea, you have my support!"
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