The definitive Xbox discussion thread | Don't troll

Extreme Gamer

^More and more games are using PhysX like The Witcher 3, Arkham Origins and I think it's better to move on to a NVIDIA GPU and do justice to my user ID.

How is that relevant in an Xbox discussion, lol?

US Military soldiers wont buy an Xbox


Anyone notice something strange in the pic? (apart from the low polycount)


They're using Hewlett-Packard branded Windows 7 PCs for the Xbox One :lol:

The tweet:

Source: Xbox E3 games were running on Windows 7 with Nvidia GTX 7xx cards - Cinemablend

Even though the Xbox GPU is supposed to have power similar to the HD 7790, they need a GTX 770/780/Titan lol? And they don't even use Windows 8? :rofl:

Important segment:

Awesome, may be we'll get an emulator xbone on PC. HALO! :D
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I am the night...I am...
^More and more games are using PhysX like The Witcher 3, Arkham Origins and I think it's better to move on to a NVIDIA GPU and do justice to my user ID.

Yup you're right. Witcher 3 supports physx. :)

The Witcher 3 will support GPU PhysX, now officially | - PhysX News

Xbox One may not be able to be sold used

Another possible blow. What the heck is M$ thinking??

Xbox One Games At E3 Were Running On Windows 7 With Nvidia GTX Cards


Supposed Microsoft Engineer Speaks Out on Xbox One DRM; It's All Fake

"PS4 is status-quo. XB1 is trying to push some things..."

They better have some good reasons or else, Xbox one is doomed.


I am the night...I am...
I've already posted that :/

Yeah just saw it. It was extremely hilarious. :razz:

ugh!! why physx?! :(

Its making a strong comeback with its latest tool-set and simulation effects. The sdk is already licensed for PS4.
GPU physics has more potential than cpu physics. Consoles are also moving to GPU physics, so pc won't get left behind.
PS4 version of witcher 3 will also use physx and will supposedly run in amd card. :razz: The restriction in desktops is superficial and imposed by Nvidia , not for technical but marketing reasons.

I guess havok , bullet and other physics engines will run on GPU in future. Havok in PS4 will also run in GPU.

Extreme Gamer

Xbox One may not be able to be sold used

Another possible blow. What the heck is M$ thinking??
Misleading article.


I took this screenshot (and cropping and merging etc to make the whole conversation visible).

So the hardware can indeed be sold.
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Steam High Templar
Win a special Mountain Dew & Doritos Xbox One Promotional Package

so many Xbox PR guys commenting :lol:

Banned Xbox Live Accounts Lose Access To All Xbox One Games

Extreme Gamer


E3 PS4 Games ran on dev hardware, not high-end PCs

Microshaft just got hanged, drawn, and quartered :rofl: :rofl:

Talk about royally screwing up, lol...

Read this:

Jonathan Blow said:
During Microsoft’s press show I was impressed by how good the games looked given the console’s specs. But if they weren’t running on those specs then it becomes pretty questionable.


I got thrown in Microsoft 'Jail' for taking pictures of nothing
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I am the night...I am...
In Theory: Can next-gen fulfill the 1080p60 dream?

The Good News About Xbox One That Microsoft Brushed Right Over

The thing is we suck at telling the story. The whole point of the DRM switch from disc based to cloud based is to kill disc swapping, scratched discs, bringing discs to friends house, trade-ins for **** value with nothing going back to developers, and high game costs. If you want games cheaper then 59.99, you have to limit used games somehow. Steam's model requires a limited used game model.

The thing is, the DRM is really really similar to steam... You can login anywhere and play your games, anyone in your house can play with the family xbox. The only diff is steam you have to sign in before playing, and Xbox does it automatically at night for you (once per 24 hours)

t's a long tail strategy, just like steam. Steam had it's growing pains at the beginning with all it's drm **** as well. [...] For digital downloads steam had no real competition at the time, they were competing against boxed sales. At the time people were pretty irate about steam, (on 4chan too...) It was only once they had a digital marketplace with DRM that was locked down to prevent sharing that they could do super discounted ****.

There's actually much more to this DRM thing. It might make some sense in the long run. Current prices of AAA titles is just too expensive and out of reach for most.
Let's see, what this move does to the pricing system.

The industry's business model is no child's play to judge.

Extreme Gamer

In Theory: Can next-gen fulfill the 1080p60 dream?

The Good News About Xbox One That Microsoft Brushed Right Over

There's actually much more to this DRM thing. It might make some sense in the long run. Current prices of AAA titles is just too expensive and out of reach for most.
Let's see, what this move does to the pricing system.

The industry's business model is no child's play to judge.

That microsoft (supposedly) employee forgets that the $60 price wasn't standard prior to steam. It was $50. After steam came out, devs started charging $60 when they found that this was a great way to make money AND help deter people from sharing their games.

I don't know why he thinks publishers will play ball and reduce the prices of each game. And it doesn't explain why kinect is forced and always on, as well as the E3 shenanigans ;)

Extreme Gamer

Oh F microsoft, do they seriously need to compare xbone to steam?

I thought of the Xbox as the console version of steam before they even said it. Fact is, unfortunately, that the console is indeed like that.

But they're stupid if they think that will cause the prices of the games to go down.


I am the night...I am...
Did Microsoft Demand that Amazon Remove Their PS4 vs Xbox One Poll Because They’re Sore Losers?


Now this is what i call negative tactics. I guess Microsoft's DRM plans has backfired significantly.

Microsoft defends Xbox One $500 price point--"We're over-delivering value"

Xbox boss Don Mattrick says when compared to other modern products, $500 is not a "ridiculous" price point.


The next-gen gaming consoles- analysed by a non-gaming website.

I wish more of our gaming websites were this rational and unemotional.

P.S. I've x-posted this on the PS4 thread as well.
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