Team Fortress 2


Chosen of the Omnissiah
well, I'm a Valve fan because they have earned respect. Won't tolerate a lolcatboy coming up and bashing the greatest PC game company of all-time for ridiculous reasons. :mrgreen:

Possibly the best multiplayer game of last 6 years. You have it for free or for peanuts. People still complain? Laughable.


Well, my download is complete (doing the training). Now, my place has frequent power cuts, so my computer sometimes shuts down. And if it does while playing tf2, steam starts to verify the files. How to keep steam from doing that?

Please help... It has already happened twice... And each time it take 15-20 mins...


The new 3.89 gb update.... Looks like I'll have to wait for two more days before I can play tf2...:-(

I'm pretty much fade up with steam.... Valve should realize that everyone doesn't have a 100MBps connection and should let us play our games (atleast offline) while updating!
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