Team Digit Unofficial Gaming Clan!!Lets reload some money

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Dude I know that much so I asked if whole package got so cheap i.e. just 700 bucks or was it TF2 alone for 700 bucks?


Digit Squad Member
i dont hav original cs. but i often play multiplayer online
i even have steam software with a account in it

will that do or sumthing else is needed which comes with original cd only ??

i hav steam software an login and password but i dont know how to use it to play with others.

whereas the multiplayer option in the game works fine for me. i can join any unprotected server by password and play with them.

This might be something Nooby but i need to clear it out


Don't worry we are gonna use Hamachi servers and the team selected will be given a free legally Hard or digital copy to participate in the tournament.

Ok the site is up,will be giving the link shortly after i have finished adding content.
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Ambassador of Buzz
Any chance of VC-MP or SA-MP? :D

LOL nerds,cs1.6 costs just about Rs300 and if you want to play competitively YOU HAVE to buy it.And its tottaly worth the money spent cus you can play on official steam servers.
TF2~orange box~Rs700

Yeah they are cheap but problem is the genuine originals are hard to find here. I searched ebay too for sellers that accept Cash On Delivery/VPP(as thats the only way i can pay), but found none. :(
Can the Tourno be after March? I've got to give a few exams and clear them with 80% or there will be fireworks at home :(
And include FIFA 08 Please Please Please
Thats the only game I'm good at :|
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