Syria = Starting point of the Third world war?


The nations or the area which I am talking about have the 90% oil supplies of the world...and without that oil I dont think US can afford a war ....will they run there warships and tanks on coal or hybrid engines :D If the fuel price decide dollar rate and that dollar rate decide prices of goods then world is in deep trouble .
Yes you are right that US debt is driving chineese economy ...china may have more electronics production plants then even US
It doesn't matter. USA controls the world. The Gulf Countries will be nothing as soon they stop supplies of oil.A majority of them have jihad! mindset. They don not have enough technology to fund wars against a highly nuclear capable nation.
USA has nuclear reserves. It has enough technology to exploit those reserves and turn a majority of their equipment into nuclear powered killing machine.
They have Several Jumbo Carriers , Best and probably the only fifth generation fighter fleets , and on top of that they have Aircraft Carriers that do not require refueling for a long time......and what not ??
A country like India if they go to war their economy will turn to sh*t ( as if isn't already :p ) but this wont hurt global economy too much. However not is the case with Uncle Sam's economy.
A crash on wall street and you will see huge impact in almost all stock markets.

It wil start like this.
Usa Attacks syria->N.K who was waiting to attack US will Attack them Then all allies will start attacking those

Anything for Pakistan bro ?? They really deserve some kaboom.

you can not be more far from the poor nation can afford or win war & the best example of this is USSR,the only nation existed till now to rival USA's military strength but still couldn't save itself from the economic meltdown.also for your information this massive USA debt is the engine which drives the economy of China & as such the world.
Yep. Going against them would mean shattering the countries into pieces ( economically , geographically , politically ) .

@rishi I dont agree with u world war 2 germany japan and italy ...all 3 were very small nations ...but still fought with US france UK and russian armies ...also at the time of war I dont think economy matters ...BTW US in in trillion $ debt much more than of many other countries combined.

We all know if WW3 happens it will be end of humanity ...or maybe we Indians will still live just like we always lived ;)

WW3 is not going to happen. People are not as dumb today as they were earlier. Today there is something called global outreach and communication. That's going to have some impact for sure.
Nobody wants WW3 , except some dumb dictators elsewhere.

But still those countries lost , didn't they ? And reality is that people in those countries were fighting like crazy. Matter of death and life.
And even though these were small countries , but they had lot of influence and advanced technology. On top of that a powerful dictator. Having small area doesn't mean in capable. England isn't a very big nation but it's one of the powerful countries in the world even as of now.


Grand Master
India is one of the biggest consumer market after china ....a war with india means all thats produced will not be consumed and thus loss for whole world specially japan and US

also a small war with north korea and iran+syria+afganistan+iraq may lead to end of US ...but I am sure it will not happen soon


India is one of the biggest consumer market after china ....a war with india means all thats produced will not be consumed and thus loss for whole world specially japan and US

also a small war with north korea and iran+syria+afganistan+iraq may lead to end of US ...but I am sure it will not happen soon

If I am not wrong then A majority of stuff are made in China. It's China who'll be in loss if global consumer market goes down.
Anyways , I highly doubt that something like that will happen in near future like you said too.


All you stupid people Isn't it obvious Syria is the starting point of World War 3.....

...In the new fps video games


Right off the assembly line

Yeah we might as well say, well say that Syria is the starting point of WWIII but it might come much earlier then expected, USA is adding fuel to fire. Since both the Rebels and the Government of Syria needs weapons, USA comes to be No.1 Supplier of weapons to both the defender and attacker.
Who supplied weapons to Taliban during Gulf War? USA!
Who supplied weapons to Taliban during Cold War to intrude Russia? USA!
Who is supplying weapons to Pakistan during Cold War to help Taliban? USA!
Who bombed Syria? USA!

Now Syria seems to be a candy treat for USA. There can be Nuclear warfare if Syria gets his hands over some.

Point: Except USA, no other country has ever used nukes on other country and USA makes us sign Limited Test Ban Treaty XD.
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