Suggestions on a good spike guard


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I have Belkin Gold Series. One huge issue - the TV port connector. It degrades signal quality.

Otherwise, it is nice.


Cyborg Agent
Do you have a UPS?.If not,i suggest u go for APC UPS.I get around 20min backup and its good for both data protection,prevent damage to harddrive and includes spike guard protection.


Do Superior and Economy models of Belkin differ from Gold series only in terms of the number of sockets? I'm little tight on budget so thinking about the economy model. However if Gold series are better in build and quality will go for it? currently I'm using a local spike guard called MX which has the slots very loose so the pins are not sitting properly.

Guys as mentioned in the above post here. I wanted to decide between either Superior or Economy model. If the number of ports is the only difference I would go for Economy Model.

Gopi I have APC UPS but it has only three ports.

guys need help!


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ Gold series is the best quality product but if you use a ups you can use the economy model which is good enough ;-)


Offtopic - Don't spike guards affect a UPS's performance(since a UPS does not give a pure sine wave o/p)?


I have a APC UPS with three power sockets. Two for back up and one I guess is just like spike guard maybe. I use this one to connect to my existing Spike Guard and to spike guard I connect the speakers, Modem, etc. Is this ok?


Back to school!!
^^ Its ok, but APC ups comes with a very good Spike Guard inbuilt, so it may not be necessary.


^^ Its ok, but APC ups comes with a very good Spike Guard inbuilt, so it may not be necessary.

Actually I need more than two-three power sockets hence I need the spike guard which has 3-4 Power points. I guess a normal extension box also would suffice.


Back to school!!
Actually I need more than two-three power sockets hence I need the spike guard which has 3-4 Power points. I guess a normal extension box also would suffice.
Normal extension box with retractable wires have only 2 pins, no ground, you need a an extension box with 3 pins.


Guys sorry for digging into an old thread again. I managed with an old spike till now. But looks like that has given up on me now so I need to buy a new spike guard. I have a APC UPS with three slots. Two which have back up to which I connect my LCD monitor and Cabinet. The other socket which is only spike guard socket to which I connect another spike guard so that I can have Speakers, modem connected to it.
Firstly is this setup good? And which spike guard should I go for? Is it ok to go for some lower priced ones like Huntkey or MX or better go with Economy Belkin series?


ebay + coupon.

PS: It took so long for you to buy a simple spike guard :|
Yeah man. One of my cousins told he will give me and he gave but that was a local one and was pretty bad I can't adjust with that.
Yesterday I checked in ebay. Most of the coupons are applicable for anything over Rs 500 so if I buy something for around Rs 525 I'm getting it for Rs 425 which is still more than what's available in Sulekha for Rs 370. So trying to find one with the least price.

Try infibeam/ etc.

Thanks buddy.
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