
Live to die another day
Yes you can do it, but just main story. No elusive targets or contracts etc.

And your progress does not sync with online play through.

In short it is a very handicapped mode for a single player game.

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Couldn't care about the elusive targets or contacts or online play. So okay for me

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Live to die another day
F**k yea ,One of my review is the most helpful for a game. My life is complete now.

F1 2016 on Stea


The Slowest One
I added 2 free-to-play games, TF2 and Toxik. the steam started to download the game as there was no other way to add them to library(the option was "Play now"). Since I wont play these games now, i cancelled the download. But, Steam has allocated the space for each of these games. How to get back the space. total size of both the game is around 10 GB
PS: the downloaded data for both the game is in KBs

- - - Updated - - -

i went in game Library and selected "delete local content " , i got the space back but TF2 got deleted from my library. HOw to keed it added in library without installing


Feeling Gravity
You can not keep free to play games in your library without installing game on your PC

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Living to Play
I added 2 free-to-play games, TF2 and Toxik. the steam started to download the game as there was no other way to add them to library(the option was "Play now"). Since I wont play these games now, i cancelled the download. But, Steam has allocated the space for each of these games. How to get back the space. total size of both the game is around 10 GB
PS: the downloaded data for both the game is in KBs

- - - Updated - - -

i went in game Library and selected "delete local content " , i got the space back but TF2 got deleted from my library. HOw to keed it added in library without installing
For TF2 I think buying a Orange Box key from Third Party sites does he job. I don't know if buying from Steam also does that or not, maybe someone else can shed light in this regard. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
I added 2 free-to-play games, TF2 and Toxik. the steam started to download the game as there was no other way to add them to library(the option was "Play now"). Since I wont play these games now, i cancelled the download. But, Steam has allocated the space for each of these games. How to get back the space. total size of both the game is around 10 GB
PS: the downloaded data for both the game is in KBs

- - - Updated - - -

i went in game Library and selected "delete local content " , i got the space back but TF2 got deleted from my library. HOw to keed it added in library without installing

To keep F2P games in your library, you have to bind it through a paid DLC. For Toxikk, you need to purchase the full game. In case of TF2, purchasing a Mann Co key from TF2 store (not from steam market) used to give you access to Premium DLC which would bind the game to your library and also increase your inventory slots. Not sure if it still works.

Also for some games like Spiral Knights, Stronghold Kingdoms, Loadout etc. you can purchase a small value item from steam market and use it through your inventory which will bind the game to your library and give you +1 to game count.


The Slowest One
[MENTION=225794]vijju6091[/MENTION] , [MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1270]Skud[/MENTION] , thanks all for replying. :)
I did see that MannCo keys, 2.42$ , on steam community market. Saving money for someting else right now. guess i will add it later to my library.


I am a cat
@vijju6091 , @gameranand , @Skud , thanks all for replying. :)
I did see that MannCo keys, 2.42$ , on steam community market. Saving money for someting else right now. guess i will add it later to my library.

You can buy any low priced item to go premium in Team Fortress 2, not just the keys.
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