Splinter Cell series


Living to Play
I recently started playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory(again) and damn its a damn good game in terms of stealth. Well I played conviction but didn't liked it much because of its stealth mechanics its more of a action oriented stealth game rather than pure stealth game. I mean I like to complete the whole damn mission without firing a single bullet and using complete stealth not getig detected even once in the whole mission and infact I succeed in many missions. In most missions I get a rating of more than 85% and sometimes 100%. So please share your views on this whole series.


Human Spambot
Conviction is not a bad game at all. It is one helluva experience. Particularly those interrogation episodes... made me go crazy.


Living to Play
I am not saying that conviction is a bad game. All I am saying is that stealth system in that game is reduced and thats what I didn't liked just like that interrogation I liked interrogation in previous very silent type and in this game its like boom bam.


Aspiring Novelist
I had never really been a big Splinter Cell fan. Don't know why, but it was overtly stealthy for my liking. Remember completing Chaos Theory till mission 6 or so on my PS2, then never touched a single one of it's title. I had played Convictions demo, but never got around playing the full game.

I might try it out on the PS3 when the collection comes out, hopefully.


Living to Play
^^ LOL. you will like this game if you can wait at one place for 1 or 2 mins doing nothing just watching the move of the foe or you'll not like it at all because stealth is not action so you gotta wait for enemy's move and have to act accordingly.


Aspiring Novelist
The only stealth game I have really enjoyed is the Hitman series. It had style and a very unique way to approach each mission and take someone out. I didn't feel that in Splinter Cell. It's also one of the reason, why I have been dodging MGS4 on the PS3 (Dinjo, I promise I will try it someday ;)). Going full on stealth isn't really my forte, but like I said, I might give it a shot again.


Living to Play
Hitman ans Splinter are completely different IMO because you can just go for a action oriented gameplay in Hitman but in Splinter cell if you go that way the fun is gone for good. Hitman is more of a action oriented with some awesome stealth mechanics its based on "Seen but not Seen" while spliter cell is "Go completely silent".


Living to Play
jojothedragon said:
Conviction was awesome game viewing from a Third Person Shooter angle.
Yeah thats what I am saying. Its good as TPS with some stealth mechanics but the heart of this game has been taken away which was complete stealth. I mean I usually complete the whole damn mission and nobody know that I was there that is the way I wanted this game to be which it isn't.


Living to Play
These are my scores for First Mission
The objectives

My score of 1st mission


Living to Play
Yeah thats the way I play stealth games. I don't kill anybody except my targets.:p
I actually get 90%+ success rating in most missions and thats the reason it takes a hell lot of time to play it. And these are the reasons I like conviction but not as much as Chaos Theory.


Living to Play
Well its does support 16:9 ratio. Can't say about 1920*1080 because I have max resolution of 1440*900. But it will support most probably.


Living to Play
Faun said:
@gamerananad you are a stealth master.
Thanks for compliment.
Completed 2nd Mission just now. Damn killing my target was tricky as he was wandring with his two fu(king bodyguards but well I did iit.:))
Here are my objectives

Here is my Score. Damn it took 1 Hour to complete this mission. Could have done it in about 45 min but it took 15 min for me to search a Weapon Crate.:p
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