Lol you in serious gaming?
See this thread
* This one might interest you too .Thanks for all reply and pointing out the thread in fight club. Very interesting fight going on there.
I know someone will say it.... I am interested in gaming dude, but don't feel like playing on PC. It's terrible. I had plan to start serious gaming in a console only. Now the time has come to have one.
Uncharted - Drakes Fortune.Everything else is multi platforrm.
* one might interest you too .
Oops typo . well here's the correct link:Link is not working dude.
XBOX 360 sounds like the best option due to its' graphics better than PSIII. PSIII cost also doesn't justify time being because of availability of multi-platform games.
Uncharted - Drakes Fortune.
Heavenly Sword
Killzone 2
Grand Turismo 5
Heavy Rain
Ratchet and Clank : Tools of Destruction
Metal Gear Solid 4
Final Fantasy 13 and Versus 13
Just a few to begin with which aren't multi platform.
Gears of Wa
Halo 3
Dead or Alive 4
Project Gotham Racing 3
Mass Effect 1,2,3
Orange Box(most sites state that gameplay is much much better on 360 and it's just a shaby port on the PS3 with many glitches) .
The list goes on .........