Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned


Steam High Templar
The new PeasantStation 4 is a pure gaming machine,And just that.
* It DOES NOT play MP4's/AVI/MKV or any other video format.
* It DOES NOT play MP3's/AAC or any other music format.
* You can't view photos on it.
* No external storage.
* To top it all it it sucks at playing games.
To watch/hear video/music you need to subscribe to Sony's Video/Music Unlimited service,And the peasants say we're shackled by DRM


In the zone
Sony PlayStation 4 review

A very balanced and detailed review. Great read.

Broken PlayStation 4 Systems

IGN reports PS4 having problems ? :blink: I hope they fix it soon


A teardown showing the PS4 internals


I am the night...I am...
Playstation 4 – Secondary Processor & 2Gb RAM Discovered

PS4 APU Apparently Has 128 Hidden Stream Processors – 10% More Power

PS4 Review


Steam High Templar
I can't believe we cannot play our pirate stash on this
Greedy ******* Sony
PS4 can't play any movies or music,Aside from Blu-ray/Music/Video Unlimited

PS4 games also cost 4.5k each

Extreme Gamer

Playstation 4 – Secondary Processor & 2Gb RAM Discovered

PS4 APU Apparently Has 128 Hidden Stream Processors – 10% More Power

Sony in it's own video showed that the "secondary processor" that these guys are talking about is the network processor that sony is using to reduce load on the PS4's CPU. I wouldn't be surprised if this idea was copied from Bigfoot networks (of Killer NIC fame), or it actually is a Bigfoot networks design.

You can be sure that those two cores are disabled to keep yields viable (like the disabled core in PS3's cell), or they're already working and developers are already using the full chip. To "enable them" in future could result in unforeseen bugs in older games. Not saying that it's not possible to work around them, but to fix a game released in 2013 after 3 years or so is unnecessary work and money spent on that could be used on better games :)

Are you happy as a Wiipeasant or a member of the Glorius PC Master Race?
If Master Race,:clap2::clap2::thumbs::grin::grin::grin:

I'm a Haswell + GTX 780 junkie. I would enjoy Pokemon just the same. Does that answer your question?

Man, take a break. You're becoming a borderline troll now. No offense.

Playstation 4 Thermal Images

56C is very hot for an external temperature gauge. External temps ideally should not be over 45C.

In the light of the numerous failure reports, I'd like to see someone put a probe inside and try to get a feeling for what temps the innards face. The temperature on the camera is as relevant as the temperature on my processor's IHS, which is less than half of what the core faces at 100% Linpack AVX loads.

I can't believe we cannot play our pirate stash on this
Greedy ******* Sony
PS4 can't play any movies or music,Aside from Blu-ray/Music/Video Unlimited

PS4 games also cost 4.5k each

Get a wii U. Play Smash bros. Or play on your PC.

Problem solved.


Steam High Templar
All the peasant lol's are here
The PCmasterrace subreddit

PlayStation 4 ‘unofficially’ arrives in Pakistan for $900, games and accessories cost $100+




I am the night...I am...
PS4 has sold through over 1 million units within 24 hours of the launch in North America!!!

The million in 24 hours number means that this is Sony’s fastest selling console ever, surpassing the PlayStation 2′s launch in Japan which had units flying off the shelves back in 2000.For comparison’s sake, these are dramatically better numbers than the North American PS3 launch back in 2006.

Sony Sells A Million PS4s Within 24 Hours Of North American Launch - Forbes

PS4 Defection Rate

Sony Entertainment President Shuhei Yoshida said:

“Be assured we are investigating reported PS4 issues. The number is very small compared to shipped, we believe they are isolated incidents.”

It’s a good idea to calm down, sit back and relax, panicking over an estimated 0.175% seems to be just a slight overreaction. Even if the % were to increase, there is still a long way ahead until it reaches the remarkably low 3% failure rate of the PS3.

UPDATE: Number of defect units increased to 0.4%, reported by Polygon

Shuhei Yoshida Gives Five Reasons to Buy a PS4 Instead of a Xbox: Power, 1080p, Price and More

Sony Posts Troubleshooting Guide for the PS4 'Blue Light' Issue

If you're experiencing this problem, Sony recommends turning off your PlayStation 4 completely and holding down the power button for at least seven seconds (until the system beeps twice), disconnecting your PS4 AC power cord from the electrical outlet, and checking for visibly damaged parts - this includes the system's HDMI port, which has been the cause of a recent publicized issue. Of course, check all input settings and cables, too.

Failing that, Sony recommends contacting PS4 customer support, as the publisher continues to investigate the root of the problem.
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