Some Xubuntu queries.

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Pee into the Wind...

I already did as suggested by praka, I was wondering if there are any other ways of making things faster, I'm not blind dude I can read:rolleyes:, and does a "repeated query" hurt your eyes so much:rolleyes:, well if it does I think you know what you must do:rolleyes:, dont look at it!!
Not in one post have you mentioned that you had tried boot up manager or praka's method and are lookin for something more to speed up Xubuntu :| So I thought you were one of those guys who keeps posting queries without paying scant regard to what others have to say.!;)
Did you try disabling services you don't need from startup.? Go to System>Administration>Services and disable services you don't need, like disable cups if you don't have printer etc.
What I mean is I want "Auto Login" for only ONE account, not for all of them,
meaning I want the User list to be displayed at startup and there when I click on the user who has auto login enabledthat user should automatically login,
But the other users must enter their passwords,
Hope your're not confused:rolleyes: .
Not really sure if there's a better way for doing it, but the second last post in this link:
seems to be what you are looking for.Can't try it out since I use kdm.


Commander in Chief

You are confused actually. Automatic login is far different from Password less login. And that feature ain't available in GDM and is dumb and securityless. You may use PAM if you know how to configure it.

P.s. You're even confused about what distro to use finally after so long, all you do is hop, ask random quick questions, erase it apart again. And what not.


I'm confused eh, well you're the chump here mate,

U think I'm crazy switching from one distro to another, well if atleast one distro worked fine on my PC I would have stuck to it, I ain't some idiot who keeps switching distros for no reason,

Well I did'nt ask for you're help mate, you're the one who interfered in here and started all ur crappy bull$hit,

And if u get bugged by my queries so much just STFU, thats all I can say, I did'nt ask for ur help,

This is really depressing, I ask some serious queries here and guys like qwerty think I'm some bloody noob out to waste others time,

And its my wish dude I'll try all the distros there are and I will ask for help if I need it,

Let me ask u somethin, u say I started many threads on distros rite, did u reply in any of em? If not why the hell u bother dude? U didn't bother to reply then, now all of a sudden u start crappin my thread,

If the only thing u can do is comment all I can say is STFU.
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mera kutch nahi ho sakta
P3 700MHz, 256MB RAM,
I upgraded from such a system only 2 weeks ago.
any standard unix distro will be damn slow for such a system :( .
Heck gnome feels slower than vista even on my brand new dual core.

My suggestion wld be to try puppy linux. Its my fav OS. its small (100mb) , doesn't need installation (yet it saves your settings) , has dotpups,pets for double click installation.
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Dude ur pathetic :lol:, Replying so late, well I was hoping that u'll see this thread, esp for my last reply,

And ya dude I'll keep switching distros, cos its MY wish, but I'll have to say I've given up on linux for now as its very unstable on my hardware(Mostly bcos of my hardware),

And remember this thread:-

U were fussing, moaning and whining for the output of dmesg, well after I gave it what the fcuk did u do? NOTHING.

The only thing u did bfore that was fuss about how I cud'nt give its output, after giving it u cud'nt do nothin u chump, even now the only thing ur doing is commenting,

So basically the only thing u can do well is sledge ppl and comment abt them, u cant help them or do anything else :lol: .
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I dont understand why u target me dude,

Well I wish u the best in ur "occupation" .. lol.

OK he may be a genius, but why does he always have to be sarcastic to me,

All I want is for everyone to be friendly and help each other out.
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Juke Box Hero
Rest it people.

Rahul, nobody is targeting you, if he has in his capacity to help you, he will definitely help and same goes for other members. Agreed, distro hopping is fun once in a while and it is YOUR wish, but realistically you shouldn't expect all your problems to be solved in such a scenario. You will be far better off in dedicated Linux forums like where they cover a wide variety of topics. And not to mention, eventually you will have to make the decision of sticking with one distro if you plan to use Linux on a daily basis without any problems.

People will try to give their inputs if and when they can. All are volunteers here, so don't expect a paid support like solution, things will take time.

Me again: And on a sidenote if I may add, if say you have a sudden problem like X not starting up or some module not working, you can always try to visit our irc chat channel at #digit and #think-digit on server. We hangout there whenever possible and can also have a realtime open net discussion.
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