Silly problem in FC5

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Silly problem in FC5,MP3 play back

I installed FC5 today. I have a rather silly problem to start with. Some softwares/windows are so large that they do not fit in the screen vertically, and its very difficult to see the OK/CANCEL/APPLY option buttons at the bottom of the window. For the records my monitor is 17" and set at 800 x 600 resolution. For example, installed Yum Extender and I can't see the lower parts of the software window. Also resizing only works on width, but not height. What to do ?

I see there are many queries coming regarding FC5 as well as Ubuntu 6.06. I was thinking if by making 2 separate sticky threads for all FC5/Ubuntu queries it will be a little structured/useful/helpful ?? Only my view.
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In Pursuit of "Happyness"
You have a 17" monitor then why only 800x600? Keep the resolution to minimum 1024x786.


Commander in Chief
Yeah 1024 for 17" is the best resolution

In case you dont find an option for that, install ATI or Nvidia drivers (if you have the card...)


18 Till I Die............
Try pressing ctrl alt '+' together. See if that helps temporarily. Besides I am not sure how to adjust permanantly in FC5. If you don't mind editing configuration file by hand, you can check out the sticky here How to edit Xorg.conf.


Wise Old Owl
You can even keep your screen resolution to 1280 x 1024. Even I use a 17" monitor.
You can choose between 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024. Choose the one that suits you.


Commander in Chief
I'd love to use 1280x1024 but its @ low refresh rate (60) for me, so it strains my eyes... any way to OC monitor?



Yes changing to 1024x768 helped greatly. I think I should be more careful as well as scratch my head a little more before asking such small queries.

Thanks ya all guys.

Hope to bug you ;) with more questions soon.


In the zone
Man, thats not a small query. Its a real problem. Funny, i never faced this problem on Windows. Anyways, one of the ways to get around is to move the taskbar around. So if your taskbar is down & you cant get to the OK/cancel buttons, try moving the taskbar to the left/right. See if that helps. This is rreally a nagging problem though. They should do somthing about it.


MP3 Playback

After replacing my yum.conf with a fresh one from * I did this to play mp3 in Rythmbox
"yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly" , after being root of course. It said "nothing to do".
Then I tried for Noaton by doing "yum install kdemultimedia-extras". It installed total 7 packages/plugins worth 57 MB. Took a lots of time, said the installation to be successful. Still no MP3 playback for me !!
That was yesterday. Today I did "yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly" again & it continued for few minutes, added/deleted some packages and at the end said "No match for argument: gstreamer-plugins-ugly , nothing to do."
Then what to do :confused:

I am referring from (1) *
(2) *
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