segmentation fault dunnu why

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meowww meoww
gcc is great no doubt bout tat...i just wanted to find the mistake tho..

half of our class wil fail (wen results comes for 3rd sem) in the DATA Strucructer lab BECOZ OF THIS SEGMENTATION FAULT.

dont know wat the hell i the problem with linux.

me too had once got this error durin error n after seein i became extremely nervous n scared but i did some modification n that prog whic was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT PROG (WHICH WAS EXACTLY SAME AS THE ONE I HAD DONE ON MY LAPPY IN TC N GOT OUTPUT) TO GET RID OF the frightening SEGEMNTATION FAULT. n we use such a stupid compile n linux. it really wierd to point out the errors. for seg fault it even doesnt tell where has it occured. **** LINUX N ITS STUPID COMPILER WE R USIN. we use vi edit n "cc" to compile the prog. teachers r damn stupid n dont know why dont they move to a better alternative like Visual c++ :mad:

sorry to say but ur wrong tho....only thing i like bout my college is tat its entirely linux
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Staff member
programming is not all about executing a program.

Its the ability of a developer to divulge every minute possible error and warnings(yup warnings count too) and get it endorsed 99% bug free.


die blizzard die! D3?
my college too uses linux though teachers are usually clueless about it but the system admistrators are pretty intelligent.

+! for using GNU debugger,I used it only a few times and it was able to pin-point the problem exactly in the first go.


left this forum longback
I have tried submitting stack trace or backtrace (whatever u call it!) of applications that crash in Debian Sid using gdb ,strace etc to BTS via reportbug tool ;)

not to say that I am clueless about the o/p it is showing.Indeed it is very helpful if u do bug reports of apps in Linux. :) (bug-buddy in Gnome automates!)

Here is a howto:
HowToGetABacktrace - Debian Wiki
StackTraces - Fedora Project Wiki


99.9% Idle
huh! using linux in college
Do you live in INDIA?

for ur info..our college has got a dedicated solaris lab with servers & thinclients...
I have come across this error...most of the time it will be due to improper assignations and illegal if you miss out '&' in scanf will lead to this error..and gcc reports this message for most of the quite difficult to trace..havent said that its not a problem with gcc..somewhere the program has got some error need to be corrected.
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