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i'm thinking of doing scjp to get into the industry(to get a job lol)
anyways is that a good choice guys cuz i'm a bit lost at the moment oh and i'm doing BCS at the moment


Hey thanx:)
how bout the job worthiness is that enough to get a decent job or would i have to do that sun certified java developer exam too?

In the zone
Hey thanx:)
how bout the job worthiness is that enough to get a decent job or would i have to do that sun certified java developer exam too?
SCJP can definitely land you in a decent job provided you are actually skilled. There are two ways to get SCJP:

  1. Memorizing the solutions for 10 dumps.
  2. Learning Java properly by practice.
If you go through the first route I can bet you'll not get a good job if interviewed by someone who knows Java. There are hundreds of certified idiots in the industry.

If you go through second route, you'll have double advantage.

  1. You can face any interview in core Java with 100% confidence.
  2. More importantly you can learn any Java framework in a snap during the course of your job as your core Java skills will be top notch. This will help you greatly in a technology like Java where there are several frameworks come and go while the core remains the same (and of course your boss would be impressed).


I'm too doing a 3 year GNIIT course from NIIT and currently doing JAVA there and later will be giving SCJP exam(SL-275). BTW I did JAVA earlier in my 5th sem and now doing it in NIIT for 3rd time(Batch issues) but the thing is I'm still not comfortable with JAVA as much as I'm with C or C++. Maybe that's because I need more practice in this language. I find C to be more easy and less complicated than JAVA. I was shocked to know that JAVA is not big on User Inputs during Run-time as "most real applications of JAVA are not text based, console programs but graphically oriented applets that rely on AWT and Swingsfor interactionwith the user.Java's support for console I/O is limited and somewhat awkward to use. Text -based console I/O is just not very important to JAVA programming"(JAVA2: Complete Reference, pg.314) :x. Anyways I find this language like my Microprocessor subject (8085,8086) looks difficult and is initially but once get hold of it, it ain't all that much difficult.
Moreover my choice of language holds great accordance with their relevance in the field of Game Programming. ;)

In the zone
"most real applications of JAVA are not text based, console programs but graphically oriented applets that rely on AWT and Swingsfor interactionwith the user.Java's support for console I/O is limited and somewhat awkward to use. Text -based console I/O is just not very important to JAVA programming"(JAVA2: Complete Reference, pg.314) :x.
There are two things wrong with that statement.

  1. Most Java programs today are server-side apps rather than swing based GUI apps.
  2. Java has good support for stream based console I/O (in fact its stream architecture can be used in the same way for console, files and sockets). The reason for not supporting more complex console I/O (like moving cursor to specific location), is the fact that terminals on different platforms do not act in same way.

Moreover my choice of language holds great accordance with their relevance in the field of Game Programming. ;)
If you mean high-end game programming, you may need to learn ASM too. :)
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wow thanks a lot for all the replys guys it really means a lot:) hopefully i might be able to find pdf files of those books(not that i love straining my eyes but kinda broke at the moment lol:p)
oh certified idiots lol thats harsh:D
i'll take the second path in an instance,i'll have to choose a language for my bcs so its easier if i jst go with java and well thats two birds in one shot lol
oh btw anyone doing bcs?
P.s. this isn't relevant to me but do you mean game engine programming?

thats assembly language;) coding using processor instructions which makes that code relatively faster
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God of Mistakes...
Go, BUY a book... u will get a CD of practice questions/exams n PDFs in that.. :p

It's not more than Rs.400/-


k will do sir:p any particular title/s from those authors?
Or maybe i'll get some from my class,lol ya i'm going to one of those cuz i wanna learn the language:)


Braindumps are for weaklings. Earn your certification if you plan on doing one. Don't weasel your way through. I've worked as HR for some time. I promise you that Braindumps weasels will get ripped apart in interviews.


The Chosen One
Can anyone give more details on how to take SCJP.
I have interest in Java. I have developed a few projects.(Not so complex)
One was FTP Server & Client Apllication & other was Video Library Management.
Can anyone please guide me about SCJP.??


Can anyone give more details on how to take SCJP.

SCJP - *
SCJA - *

You don't have to do the SCJA to do the SCJP although if you don't have a grasp on the basics then start from there and move on . Taking the exam is your call fo course.

The best place to start with your Java Queries. Please note that they follow MUCH more strict terms when you post on their forums but pretty much everyone is very friendly. Even the authors answer questions on the forums as well.


yeah i'm gonna learn the language instead of burning 15 dumps into my brain:) btw this might sound as a very dumb question but what are those versions of scjp(1.4,1.5) are they like for their corresponding java version? which one should i be doing?
The best place to start with your java Queries
where lol:)

In the zone
what are those versions of scjp(1.4,1.5) are they like for their corresponding java version? which one should i be doing?
Yes, they correspond to Java versions. Take up SCJP 1.6. There is not much difference between 1.5 and 1.6 (from SCJP's perspective) except for a couple of new classes and methods.

But 1.4 and 1.5 have a huge difference between them. Java as a language underwent a great deal of remake in 1.5 (aka Tiger).

where lol:)
I think he meant the Javaranch forum.
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hey thanx bro:) i guess i confused my self with those versions:p
oh right that place:D but he said its strict,in what ways i wonder....


AHAHAHAHA I forgot to post the URL in my post sorry. Yes I meant Javaranch.
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