Satyam installs keyloggers in World Bank computers

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Not just that.. I don't see many Sify posters these days.. I can't say that the company is losing business, but I'm just telling what i observed..


Hmmm.. Here's the report from the other side:

Hoping that the Satyam people working at WB premises haven't done this BS stuff... If they have, then it will be quite a blow for Satyam (and other services companies).

@ everyone plz read swatti's post!!!

read this also *

news in international media is blown out of proportion.


ah they were probably checking if the security precautions taken at the WB were adequate enough:p Good luck finding new clients aSatyam lol


In the zone
This is the FOX news link from where it started: *,2933,435681,00.html

Even after this news broke out, Satyam shares rose 12-13% on Monday (yesterday). So, I don't think there is much truth in this.

A joke involving FOX news:
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS -- A study released today by a prestigious think tank suggests that April Fool's Day fabrications are far less likely to fool the public. The culprit? FOX News.

"We're bombarded with fake news and propaganda 365 days a year. Err... make that 366. This is a leap year," explained Lirpa Sloof, chairwoman of the Boston University Laboratory for Learning Superior Holistic Investigative Techniques. "Thanks to FOX News, the White House, and various other mouthpieces, people don't believe anything they see on TV anymore."
From here: *
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