Guys 3dmark11 runs and after completing benchmark shows this error 'C:/Program.DLL is missing. Reinstall the programme to fix it'. I reinstalled and still error is there. Any solution?
And rchi, max and asingh and others, post AVP bench too. I will do it tomorrow.
BTW i finished bc2 and last missions were best. The game rocks. Waiting for b3.
Hi Jas
Maybe your antivirus is blocking the program. Try suspending them or adding 3D mark to list of "safe" programs..
How to bench AVP..?
8xQ CSAA, for example, increases the number of color samples from four back to eight – just as you’d get with 8xMSAA – but with less of a performance hit.
temps these days were 77c in bad company and dirt3.
fine for this gpu.
will install side panel fan and exhaust soon.
my cpu reaches 65c
thanks for link.
here is the site i was talking -
How To Choose the Right Anti-Aliasing Mode for Your GPU - Tested
just if anyone wants it
Radeon-Exclusive Anti-Aliasing Modes And Driver Settings : Anti-Aliasing Analysis, Part 1: Settings And Surprises
AvP D3D11 Benchmark Report
* Report Created: 2011-08-07 @ 12:08:39
* Executable Build: V1.03, Apr 19 2010
*DX11 Hardware Detected*
Using Default Video Settings:
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Texture Quality: 2
Shadow Quality: 3
Anisotropic Filtering: 16
Vertical Sync: OFF
DX11 Tessellation: ON
DX11 Advanced Shadows: ON
DX11 MSAA Samples: 1
Benchmark Summary:
Number of frames: 6485
Average Frame Time: 16.2ms
Average FPS: 61.9
Use command-line option '-logframetime' to report performance frame-by-frame.