Samsung Galaxy 3 vs LG Optimus One

Which is the best VFM Android?

  • LG Optimus One

    Votes: 54 83.1%
  • Samsung Galaxy 3

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
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Broken In
^^I only need a general idea n I thnk I'll be easily able to hear the difference if the video's been shot with a digi cam. This is coz LG has placed average speakers on my phone, n I feel that if Samsung's a better multimedia device, the difference will be audible in the two types of sound reproduction.

And what abt the video resolution it smoothly plays?


Well from the many reviews that i've read, g3 plays all videos without lag. But it will be a bit slow when you try to seek or skip through a maxed out resolution long length movie of a large file size.
i watch movies on my psp too and video does not show artifacts like pixellation, even though the psp screen is a bit of a stretch with 480x272 pixels stretched on a 4.3" screen.


Broken In
Something abt LG multimedia capability :

Since I found some free time today to actually listen to lot of music on earphones, I found out that the GT540's audio quality IS excellent. So, I can safely say that the O1 will provide awesome audio playback, abt which I wasnt very sure of. Now, as soon as I find time, I'll go for outdoor photo capture (sample photos on gsmarena, phonearena of both LG n Samsung are very similar), as LG's indoor photo capture isnt that good. The video capture on my phone with 1.6 was great (mp4) n now on 2.1, it captures pixelated 3gp videos, like that in the G3. But, I use a couple of apps, that capture as good mp4 as earlier for me on 2.1

In general, LG n Samsung are very similar, I think, w.r.t quality, with no relevance to the sales or market capture.
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Broken In
^^Yes, I use VGA (640x480) at 30fps - Mp4 encoding, which runs smoothly. I think it also depends upon the size of the video, which I read on the GT540 review of gsmarena, which said that as the size increases, some amt of pixelation can be seen. All my videos are 400-500MB each, which play without any issues. What size videos do u plan to watch? I mean, wud u watch movies/concerts or videos of 100-200mb?
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Believe Me or Not!!!
I hav tried max VGA resolution on my G3. Never really tried beyond that:-(
And these videos are regular music videos of 20-30 MB size. I prefer watching movies and concert on my laptop or samsung wave(my brother's) than my G3.

I asked that question just to clearify that if a device(yours gt540) with video recording of VGA@17fps can play @30fps smoothly, then there are almost 99% percent chance that O1 can run VGA@30fps videos smoothly too... :-D


Something abt LG multimedia capability :

Since I found some free time today to actually listen to lot of music on earphones, I found out that the GT540's audio quality IS excellent. So, I can safely say that the O1 will provide awesome audio playback, abt which I wasnt very sure of. Now, as soon as I find time, I'll go for outdoor photo capture (sample photos on gsmarena, phonearena of both LG n Samsung are very similar), as LG's indoor photo capture isnt that good. The video capture on my phone with 1.6 was great (mp4) n now on 2.1, it captures pixelated 3gp videos, like that in the G3. But, I use a couple of apps, that capture as good mp4 as earlier for me on 2.1

In general, LG n Samsung are very similar, I think, w.r.t quality, with no relevance to the sales or market capture.

this thread is not about gt540. Optimus one records vga video at 18fps.
So don't make it seem like p500 is same as your phone.
And how can you say the 01 would have better sound quality on the basis of how you like the sound of your own phone. Without even having seen the actual thing youshould not make such claims.


Believe Me or Not!!!

Look in gsmarena, GT540 records VGA@17fps too... So both of these devices are likely to hav same capabilities, atleast for video playback...


Broken In
^^O1 is GT540 + extra RAM, 2.2, Capacitive screen. GT540 records at 17fps VGA, n there no difference between 17 and 18, practically. I never said the audio quality will be better in O1. I said we can safely assume that the O1's audio quality will be awesome, meaning as good as that of GT540 ! Dont u understand the father and child relationship of the Optimus family and the inheritance property?


Alright since you still don't get it. I should also claim that 5233 is same as 5800 but its not. 58 can play avc3 video but 5233 can. Now you should take note that both phones look the same, have the same os are from the same manufacturer, can record video at 640x480. So why? Why don't these two phones have the same playback capability? Do they have different mobo's like the likes of gt540 and p500? Hmmmm...


^^O1 is GT540 + extra RAM, 2.2, Capacitive screen. GT540 records at 17fps VGA, n there no difference between 17 and 18, practically. I never said the audio quality will be better in O1. I said we can safely assume that the O1's audio quality will be awesome, meaning as good as that of GT540 ! Dont u understand the father and child relationship of the Optimus family and the inheritance property?

hahahahaha rotflmao.... What a logic lol


Broken In
You forgot the similarity of products that exist in the same family. For instance, look at the similarity of the G3 and G5. These phones are all about the price categories that they need to fit their products in comparison with their rival brands. If u're talkin abt the mobo, I think this phone is just inherited to enhance it with more RAM n capacitive screen, so that the Optimus family has children that save them against the direct competition of the Galaxy family. I dont get it how u ignore the naming conventions. Anyway, I do get what u said, but there are two perspectives to this concept. The concept I'm talkin abt is how they inherit the hardware of a parent device onto a child device of the same family, to cope up with the everchanging market competitions.


Believe Me or Not!!!
dude, i was pointing to video resolution not video format support.
I just want to put an end to the myth "max playback resolution is 420*260"...
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Lol i got both of you so worked up on this topic. Lets just wait for 540's son to hit the stores.
i think you can just ask the posters of you tube videos about the playback issues. They would be happy to reply or post another video, since they are that jobless anyway.


Broken In
@Naino -

I mentioned the video format coz I've never tried playback of AVI/XviD/DivX on my phone. I mean the most I've played is VGA, 30fps, MP4, so wont be able to describe the complete playback ability.

I wud like to know abt some phone that wud be a combination of these phones, say "Galaxy One"..haha.

Does anyone like the Android threaded messaging system? I need some app with the classic view of Inbox/Outbox/Drafts. The only such app I know abt is "SMS Manager", which has an issue that it doesnt display the whole msg when its a long one.

@Gollum - Since u know abt the Nokia 5800, I'd like to tell u that I was looking for the speaker playback to be like that phone. Now, can u tell me how's Samsung's speaker playback compared to Nokia 5800. On gsmarena, the G3's speaker is said to be average. How's it?
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When the sound is referred as tinny. It means that the audio frequency herd is more concentrated on the treble side. In that case the mids are a bit week and the lows are completely missing. 5800 and three rest 5233 and 5235 probably have the same speaker because they all sound the same. However they have slightly better mids and highs but like any small speaker, bass will never be there. Oh also 5800 and 5235 have two speakers and are a little louder too.

@Naino -

I mentioned the video format coz I've never tried playback of AVI/XviD/DivX on my phone. I mean the most I've played is VGA, 30fps, MP4, so wont be able to describe the complete playback ability.

I wud like to know abt some phone that wud be a combination of these phones, say "Galaxy One"..haha.

how about a one wildfire. Sense ui bling bling...
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Lol i got both of you so worked up on this topic. Lets just wait for 540's son to hit the stores.

Yep. They have started to make fun of themselves at this point. Both of them do not have any first-hand experience and yet, taking help of some twisted logic, are trying to defend O1. At least the one's defending G3 are its actual USERS.

niraj87 said:
Now, can u tell me how's Samsung's speaker playback compared to Nokia 5800. On gsmarena, the G3's speaker is said to be average.

Taking help of some random review sentences to bash G3 has become pointless I think. Since you are so hell bent on proving your GT540 is as EXCELLENT as G3 on multimedia front (and thereby proclaiming O1's automatic multimedia superiority!!!!), what's stopping you to go out in a store n try G3 yourself?

This thread needs to be closed I think, as there is nothing to be discussed anymore and for now, even the poll results are crystal clear.
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