Reputation system...needed or not?

Do we need this?

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Deleted member 26636

Rather adding reps to an user can we add reps to a particular reply. Something similar to Facebook "like" system.

In that case, people searching for a solution can opt for the most liked answer in a particular thread.

seconded...or thirded as faun also agrees... :)
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Staff member
More like the approacj in facepunch forum.


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Democracy is a myth
@Faun....well something similar.
But I've no idea keeping all those icons in every post, how ugly would it look

Let me check the forum u've mentioned


^Exactly the suggestion I mentioned. Thank you feature for posts. There can be stats like how many times a user has been thanked if needed.


Excessive happiness
Man, Rep system implemented and closed in a blink-of-eye.

Whatever, now what you guys suggest? To keep Rep system or just leave the forum as it is.?????


Human Spambot
IMO, it was not a test run. Its like giving a chocolate and taking it back even before eating. WE WANT OUR CHOCOLATE. WE WANT REP SYSTEM.
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