i have indian, euro, us ans jp accounts. aome of these have great deals sometimes.
you can buy the game from one account and play it on the other.
you can do this on ps3 and ps4 but not psvita
games on psn india are the cheapest.
some games on psn jp are cheap but they are in japanese.
You mean no English language option? Even inside the game? And how did you manage all the different accounts? The guy above said you need the same region card..?
Gollum, you were able to add an Indian credit card to your US account? I was having trouble cos the address on my card was not matching with the address on my US account. It might be you made these accounts back in the day when there were no such restrictions?
Jak, India uses Euro account as far as I know for what games are released so getting a Euro account is not helpful. Indian store prices are also probably cheaper.
I don't understand. India uses euro account. So I shouldn't make another euro account.