Rate the movie you watched

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Resident Fanatic
The Prestige 8/10
The Departed 6/10
Bridge to teribithia 9/10 (Pretty emotional though :D)
Shooter (9/10) cool...
Here is my list
1. Spiderman 3- 9/10
2. The Da Vinci Code - 10/10
3. The Exorcist (1979) -10/10
4. Kabhi Alvida Na kehna (to give u idea of comparison with movies mentioned above ) - 0/10(if -ve is possible -20/10)


Another Brick in the Wall
I used to watch a lot of movies when I was in Chennai. Now it has reduced. I rate the movies that I see in my blog here: Movie Reviews.

Tonight planning to see Black Snake Moan and/or Metro. And tomorrow Sivaji (Tamil). For once I was thinking if this place is Dubai or Chennai with thalaivar posters all over!:D


The Departed 6/10
Bridge to teribithia 9/10

I will rate the ratings in reverse of the above ;)


Is it that good..!!

read some reviews...i guess its total crap...anyways havent seen it so my comment doesnt matter


Ambassador of Buzz
Ocean's 13
GO watch it , only if u had understood O's 11 and O's 13, very well..and at the first go.
This series is only enjoyable if u can spot what's going on the screen.
Don't take a friend, esp. GF, with u who have'nt seen 11 n 12..u will end up in explaing the plot...


* Teh Flirt King *
Fantastic Four.. Just watched this morning at home (I love torrents :D:D:D).
Amazing movie... Special effects are very good, better then those of spiderman. We also get to see Gal-Hack-Toss :)D:D:D). I dont want to post any spoiler. But its a good watch if you want to know how Silver Spoon errr I mean Silver Surfer became a goodie - goody. But as always what happened in movie never ever happened in comics. So any fantastic four reader might find this story far from comics continuity

Rating 8/10. (Cause I am a Marvel fan.)


even ocean's 11 which is undeniably the best heist movie ever is a remake.
I didnt like the third one that much. it was nice but a little predictable. The first and the second. especially the second just blew me away.
Pirates was a let down. Too corny, too lame, too predictable etc etc. BTW warning spoiler:wth, calypso is a god and all she does to destroy the pirates so called "enemies" is to create a whirlpool?
fantastic four was ok. give it about a 3.5/5, way to predictable, but some bits were cool
SP3 i havent seen
And guys, please Phir Hera Pheri sucked big time. i couldn't help but think how lame it is. ooh, the fool the goondas by pretending to need to pee if you have to be lame why not be originally lame. predictably lame just reaches a new level of suck


how all u can say fantastic 4 part 2 was a good movie .

climax was just a **** .

they could have continue this in third part .

silver surfer needs atleast 2 parts .

so the movies is ok with rating :-6/10

wasted my money In multiplex ,torrents are best for this type of movies


* Teh Flirt King *
Just watched Rang De Basanti.. This time whole movie in a single Sit.
Its the most funny movie I ever seen. Yes most funny... :p
Here is my take :
Bachche Sharaab pee rahe hai,

building se kood rahe hai,

cigarette phook rahe hai,

baap ko goli maar rahe hai,

foreigner sabko marvaa kar chali gayi,

DJ 5 saal se University mein pada hai,

uski maa keh rahi hai kamine kamaa kar kab laayega,

aur Director kehta hai "GENERATION AWAKENING ".......:)):)):))

Rating 3/10.


I recently saw Ocean's 13, not as good as the prvious 2 installments, i will put 12 as best 10/10, 10 @ 8/10 and 13@ 7/10.
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