Rate the avatar above yours

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Šupər♂ - 超人
^^^ 8/10...
Well.. that's a Superman gif which I tweaked to my benefit... not entirely my creation :D


In the zone
Hello guys and gals,
This page (*www.geocities.com/microrao/avatar/avatars.htm) is dedicated for you people. I have downloaded these pictures from Net and resized them to 80 x 80 pixels. Except for one or two photographs, none of them are mine. Should anyone feel their copyright is being violated, please inform me.

Please do not hotlink pictures here, download the picture of your choice (right click, save picture as..) and then upload to your forum server.

And please, thank me (not for the pictures) for my effort here!

Here are few samples...
*www.geocities.com/microrao/avatar/adi_manav.gif *www.geocities.com/microrao/avatar/body-builder.gif *www.geocities.com/microrao/avatar/guitar.gif *www.geocities.com/microrao/avatar/smarty.gif

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