Quick Look at XFX 8400 GS

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Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


Thnx for the information... !!!! Will look for in Local market, more the availibility what would be the price... thats the main concern :p


shadow hunter
nice review saurav

that card is great for its price , though one would have to look for a 9pin hdtv module for getting component output & finding a hdtv module is a real pain in india ,thats the only thing xfx misses out ....

Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


Never mind...


So what do u think ?? Should I keep that card or think of 8500 ?? I dont think there will be any huge difference, and when DX 10.1 with Nvidia 9xxx series breathing down ur neck, really its un-wise to invest in higher models like 8600 GT or like 8800 :p

blackpearl said:
I would liked to see some benchmark based on games.

mention few !!!
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

I tried to explain that just in ur above post :p

me said:
So what do u think ?? Should I keep that card or think of 8500 ?? I dont think there will be any huge difference, and when DX 10.1 with Nvidia 9xxx series breathing down ur neck, really its un-wise to invest in higher models like 8600 GT or like 8800 :p


Wise Old Owl
wow.. that was a nice piece of review. Uve got da skill. And at 2.7k the card seems damn cheap.
Do ya know the price of 8400GT and 8500GS, GT etc??


shadow hunter
Choto Cheeta said:
So what do u think ?? Should I keep that card or think of 8500 ??

if u ask me then it depends upon ur usage for that .u are the one who defines ur requirements.....

Choto Cheeta said:
I dont think there will be any huge difference, and when DX 10.1 with Nvidia 9xxx series breathing down ur neck, really its un-wise to invest in higher models like 8600 GT or like 8800 :p

Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

OK... Run on the AMD System,

Vista x64

here is the rating,


and got better score with AMD in PC-Mark 2005


hmm... i need to run PC Mark again with Intel config :p wounder why it scroed so low ??

as see in AMD vista rated the card pretty poor, where as PC-Mark gave far better score, and opposite in Intel one, Vista rated pretty high, PC-Mark gave poor rating :lol:


Wire muncher!
hmm.. are intel cpu's tweaked for better rating??? i wonder!

btw, u did the right thing saurav. ~5k for 8500 is jus not worth imho. either buy this one or 8600/8800. if 8500 was available for abt 1k more than 8400 then it'd made sense to buy it.
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


Even if i had the budget of 8800 consider these, point i wrote...

Me said:
So what do u think ?? Should I keep that card or think of 8500 ?? I dont think there will be any huge difference, and when DX 10.1 with Nvidia 9xxx series breathing down ur neck, really its un-wise to invest in higher models like 8600 GT or like 8800 :p

really sepnding ever 6700/- + TAX for a 8600 GT or 13.7k + TAX for 8800 320MB, which may become obsulate in a few months with relase of DX 10.1 with 9xxx series cards, seemed really fooslisng to me...

Just Rs. 2750/- + TAX will run fine till those 9xxx comes to market :p


Wire muncher!
well saurav, there is actually no end to it! u keep waiting and you can never buy.. or u buy whatever is the latest and not bother about future.. you can't haf both. 2.8k is sweet :) tom when u buy the 9xxx series, DX 10.2/11 will be out. so there's no end to it! ;) esp the gfx market!
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

well if u see this thing started with DX 10.0 :p

Quite right... !!!! no end of waiting, so this XFX 8400 GS will allow to run while u stay prepair for the 9xxx

but yeah, its allways personal Views... to me spending 13.7k rignt now again then spedning another 15k for a 9xxx card within 6 to 8 months would be hard :p so I felt 840 way to go


where as I bet there are more people here in the forum than me, who will belive its time to buy 8800 GTS 320MB then offcouse it will be time in next 6 to 8 months to buy another 15k 9xxxx card :lol:


Wise Old Owl
yup, the 8 series was a failure.
see the 6600GT outperformed FX5950
7600GT out performed 6800
but 8600Gt cudn't outperform even 7900GS and has somewhat same perfomance or 7600GT(maybe lil better in DX10). But its not that much better as shud be.
So better wait for more efficient and [pwerful GF9 series.

If u are in that urgent then get the 8800GTS 320. Only the 8800 GPU can be called better than the previous generation GPU(GF7).


Saurav the way you are writing articles and posting reviews man...you seem to me like you are about to become a professional tech journalist...Fatbeing watch out somebody might be joining Digit soon....
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta



now that would be some over compliment i would say !!!


but thanks for the comment... by the booby, please post ur Vista Ratings with ur 8600 :p
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