Ok guys, i went to Hypercity Mall, Malad (next to Inorbit), Mumbai and saw sum cases for PSP and also sum AV cables, here are the pics..
Sorry for the poor pic quality, i hv taken it from my Nokia 5200 phone..
THese are the 2 pics for the PSP cases, but 2 different colors, Price Rs.300/-
THis is the UMD case kit for Rs.600 (approx)
THese are the 2 types of AV cables (one from SONY and another from sum chinese brand: black star or black horse or black power, i dont remember)
(SONY brand)
rice Rs.1080/-
(Chinese brand, but really good packing adn looking more powerful than the sony one): Price Rs.698/-
Please post ur com,ments
well, no i didnt buy any of these.. was jus doin time pass.. (jus had aalo paratha and bought sum shaving products for myself came back..lol..)
Cheers n e-peace...