PSP slim and Lite - My Review

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Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
@ hurricane:

NO discussion allowed on modding stuff, against forum rules... :)

U can purchase the 4 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo of Sandisk make for Rs. 1600/- :)
The PSP SLIM & LITE only retails at its official price wich is Rs.8990/- nothing more or nothing less than that price.. :)

CHeck ur pm...(for my address) :)

Cheers n e-peace...


respect mah authoritah!!
i already have star wars the force unleashed just played the first level its better than the previous ones.
Wall-e added


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

how is the game play like ??? same as killzone (3d top view) or like socom or like blasting ur way thru' kinda game ??? and wat abt the graphics ??

Cheers n e-peace...


Hanging, since 2004..
I compleated Killzone last night :D , next is Force Unleashed (i hope the story is good) !!!!!


Hanging, since 2004..
Killzone is nice game I'll give it 7/10 one boss fight is frustrating, other than that nice game.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Yes you have done it correctly, now you can take screenshots of your PSP scren by ptessing the music note button.

the entries in the recovery menu should be like (approx if i remember correctly)

1.) screenshotsplugin v1.2.prx[vsh]
2.) screenshotsplugin v1.2.prx[game]
3.) screenshotsplugin v1.2.prx[game150]

well, did as was told above, but sumtimes, wen i change my MSPDs, the plugin doesnt work :confused: and sumtimes, the PSP hangs while taking a screeny..:confused:

I hv added also added this
ms0:/seplugins/Screenshot Plugin v1.2.prx
below the cxmb plugin (ctf themes entry) and hv placed


in the seplugins folder on the PSP...

help needed.... !!!


Hanging, since 2004..
When you change MSPD the plugin wont work if it does not have the same files you put for this plugin in other MSPD on the same path.
I dont know why the PSP hangs, it works absolutely fine here. Have you been successful to take any screenshot yet ?


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

but are my settings OK ?? as i hv asked above ??? regarding the txt files placed in the seplugins folder and the line of text added below the entry of ctf themes ??

I wil try it again...but reply this above.. plz..


respect mah authoritah!!
i had the same problem it hanged while taking screenshots, i edited the vsh file and works fine now.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

so how u edited the vsh.txt file ?? I hv a single entry in the vsh file as this:

ms0:/seplugins/Screenshot Plugin v1.2.prx

and this is the same entry i hv in the seplugins folder below the cxmb plugin (ctf themes entry)


respect mah authoritah!!
i edited it to put both the entries in one file one for cxmb and the other for screenshot, now its working fine.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

i see, so u mean u edited the txt file in the seplugins folder (wich previously contained) the cxmb entry too.. ?? rite ??


Hanging, since 2004..
entry for every plugin you have must be in new line . Simple


and so on .

by putting entry in the vsh.txt the plugin will take effect in the XMB menu , when you put it in game.txt the plugin will take effect in the pap games you play.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

yup, fully understand that... infact the screenshot plugin alreadt has a game.txt and game150.txt and pops.txt files so this means that the entry for the screenshot plugin is already present into these txt files, haina ??

so, shud these 3 files be also kept in the seplugins folder only ?? along with the vsh.txt (wich contains entries for a.) cxmb and b.) manually added entry for screenshot plugin) ????


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner

wow gr8.. :D how is the gameplay ??? i mean a top view shooter or the same as syphon filter or socom titles camera angles ??? (obviously it wont be stealth title)
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