Why is my Windows 2k not crashing. Why haven't I had to reinstall my windows for almost a year???
You're smart ! you aren't using XPee. Wonder why??
I am appaulled. These guys are talking about MS as if it didn't make anything at all & nothing works
Nobody said that!!! Of Course it make windows!! It also make those mice and keyboards with the extra buttons. And of course it works!!!! It really does!!! Amazing!!!!
All I can say is- its been a good discussion. Lets all use what we like. I continue to use Windows, have no intention of going Linux whatsoever. I am primarily a gamer & have nouse for Linux at this stage. You guys use your Linux & let us all be happy.
Same here. I agree!!
Sorry for appaling you Borg, and do try the notepad thing!! its really cool!!