Isn't that illegal?
It isn't illegal. The each dealer has a number allotted to him. He puts up the temp number, as it's illegal to drive without one, and no one would like to wait ~3 months to get an HSRP made and fixed on his/her vehicle. That way, it's easier to zero in a particular dealer who sold the vehicle, in case of a mishappening involving the vehicle.

I've been out of touch, for long.
Epic purchases here.
Congos bssunil, Nipun (or should I say congos to nipun's brother

People here, have been playing a lot.

Congos, pranav0091, when should I expect a ride?
Had a difficult time for around past 1 month. My phone's display went dead, so, ordered a Flex Cable from Hongkong, China, through, for 700 bucks. It got delivered in about 20 days, and now my phone's again functional.
Then the day I got the phone functional, my laptop's adapter blew. So, ordered it from FK on 23rd night for 787 bucks, and today, I got it delivered today.