Re: Post what you purchased.
Acer AL2423w monitor 17th November, Low Yatt Plaza, Kuala Lumpur, MYR 1350 (approx Rs. 15750)
Other products considered: LG 246 WP, MYR 1600 (approx Rs. 18,667)
The picture quality is stunning ( I actually thought that it was better than the LG monitor), although the Rs. 3000 odd price gap was the clincher. I had considered buying the Dell 22 inch here in India, but grabbed the opportunity to go for a full 1920 x 1200 at roughly the same price in KL.
Colours are vastly superior compared to my Samsung 913N (guess that was a TN panel) even without using the DVI-D input.
Pros: Great colours and viewing angle (P-MVA panel), value for money
Cons: Not very sexy looking, useless speakers, no HDCP, local warranty only (pray for me!!)
Basically this post is to tell you to check this monitor out whenever Acer decides to introduce it here.