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Super Moderator
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Yeah, better be safe than sorry.

@nginx: Don't skimp on the SMPS, particularly when it is one of the least upgraded component of our rig.

Extreme Gamer

exactly what skud said.

get a high wattage PSU and be prepared for any future point having 2-4kg paperweights with dangling wires at home.


In the zone
If an 850W PSU dies right after the warranty expires, there goes all my future upgrade plans lol. I am in a huge dilemma now deciding what to buy but yeah I get your point guys. Better be safe than sorry as they say.

I took up a pen and paper today and added up the price of all the components that I need to buy and its exceeding 105k inclusive of 5% VAT. So I need to put more thought into this build. 105k is my max limit as that's all I have right now. Getting 850TX means cutting cost in some other department like RAM (Value RAM vs Vengeance) perhaps? :-o


Super Moderator
Staff member
That's priced even lower than HX750. :shock:

I hope it is as good as Corsair. No idea about Glacialtech products.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Only problem I can thank about this is its non-modularity. Otherwise, good pricing.


Ambassador of Buzz
850 is barely enough for 580 SLI.(no OC headroom)

750v2 can possibly power it,but it is borderline with little room for OCing.

Get 850W for 570 SLI and 950-100W for 580 SLI.

the 750 is a great model so it can handle it,but i would always avoid peaking the power draw.

@nginx: Very much second this...

If you have a budget of above 100K, u should not skimp on the PSU...

I think u should get minimum HX1000 or HX1050...for 580 will cost 5K more than what (it seems) u have currently allocated to the PSU but in the long run, this will be worth it... Have a look here or here

Then again, I think u said u might even go 590 SLI sometime in future, in which case I think ur best candidate would be the AX1200 @18K approx.

Extreme Gamer

Mario I dont think he said he will go for GTX 590 SLI.he commented that GTX 590 SLI can run on 950W which is factually incorrect/dangerous on good PSU (in the sense it can kill the PSU early).

is there really an HX 1050?

Also, I dont think he plans to go 580 SLI.

AX-1200 after Antec High Current pro 1200W is the best model in 1200W range.
Overall it is better than the antec because of 2 years higher warranty.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think this thread is diverting away. OP already has opened a thread here for his queries, lets continue there:-

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