Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here

Here Full Size screen shot as asked

mod note: NO, what he meant was, host the full size screenie on some site and give the thumbnail link here. (delete this line after you do that)

Here is the full Screen View
My Desktop
Also Mod i am only able work with Quickreply if i try to reply normally it wouldnt let me do that...dont knw why? it says ur text is too small

use thumbnails only please. This is your second time. - goobi
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Who stole my Alpaca!
It would be really great if you put a thumbnail in there instead of the direct link to the picture. Not everyone is blessed with a broadband connection. if you use it should give you the tags after you upload the picture.

Nice Desktop :).


Who stole my Alpaca!
Heres a Thumbnail of krishnavamshi24 Desktop .


I was bored and since you seem to have problems getting a thumbnail in I did it for you.


Juke Box Hero
It's been a long home coming with hard disk troubles and all, but well worth it, I AM HOME :)



Juke Box Hero
Er, didn't actually keep track of the size :p Just saw a bunch of them and went on updating including kernel and nvidia drivers.

Yes, the disk is stable and doing fine.

@T159, nah, is WD 320GB 16mb SATA2.


18 Till I Die............
Here's mine *
Just for people who're wondering what ratpoison looks like :D
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