Post processing images - The final step to getting that awesome click



Sharing the original files for the timeslice image I made. Not the complete set, removed a couple of really bad ones. Not very sure how I'll need to setup this app to get RAW files, so all I have are Jpegs.


This is what I was able to pull out from this.

* time by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr


Grand Master
amlan are these 8 different pics or just 2 of them ...why not try it with 2 pics


Aspiring Novelist
Rowdy, Try photomatix.

Timelapse PP:

I downsampled to 640px and tried. I wanted to do small brick by brick time slice which needs looooottttt more photographs and it's a time consuming work without an automated script for that. So I did manually like Amalan did. As usual b/w and colour variant.




Kindly someone please post step by step guide on how to get beautiful HDR skies.

Photomatix, or shoot in raw and post process, should give you a good effect. Loads of tutorials online, just search for how to make HDR

Timelapse PP:

I downsampled to 640px and tried. I wanted to do small brick by brick time slice which needs looooottttt more photographs and it's a time consuming work without an automated script for that. So I did manually like Amalan did. As usual b/w and colour variant.



Wow, that's actually better than mine. Listing down my process, would love to hear yours

1. Photoshop - open the image using automate > import as layers
2. Select the top layer using the rectangular marquee tool, shift the selection and delete the top layer
3. drag to shift the selection and select the layer below the one you deleted, delete this
4. keep doing this till you go mad
5. you'll have a timeslice

The only issue is that your accuracy in dragging the selection determines the width of the slice, it might not be consistent if your judgement is not very good


Aspiring Novelist
...hear yours
Pretty much the same as yours. But you started from top and dragged your selection. I instead started from bottom and kept the selection's starting point at the same place and increased size of the selection as I move on to the next photograph. Here I could get more accuracy.

Again I tried to learn how to do this with the script you posted. That's not for photoshop, I guess. That's for a software called "R". I even tried to download and installed the software, up until this time I couldn't figure out how to do it. I googled but didn't get any ps scripts for this. Photograph will be more smooth if we use smaller width slices which needs more photographs.


I just figured out that you can use photoshop cc to edit videos. Plus it seems that all our processing skills are easily replicable with instagram filters

raja manuel

In the zone
Plus it seems that all our processing skills are easily replicable with instagram filters
The cause of much heartache to people who label themselves 'photographers'. First taking a nice photograph itself became a lot easier with all the advances with camera technology, and then the (ahem) art of post-processing became very easy with a few cloud-based free filters. It's almost like art has been (gasp!) democratised! Any of the unwashed masses can do it!!


The cause of much heartache to people who label themselves 'photographers'. First taking a nice photograph itself became a lot easier with all the advances with camera technology, and then the (ahem) art of post-processing became very easy with a few cloud-based free filters. It's almost like art has been (gasp!) democratised! Any of the unwashed masses can do it!!
AMEN AMEN! i COMPLETELY SUPPORT YOU. Some pretentious BStrs these days considers themselves are photographers.


Well art does get easier to execute and that's what causes the art to get better. Michaelangelo and all made their own paint using pigments from various sources. You and me can just stroll to the shop and get a million colors, made of the finest most durable material.

Ansel Adams kept a log to remember what he shot. And wouldn't know if the shot was good until a few hours had been spent in the darkroom. You and me chimp every shot. While the cam selects all the optimum settings for us.

The fact that art is easier should make us better at it since more time is spent in the value adding parts.


Well art does get easier to execute and that's what causes the art to get better. Michaelangelo and all made their own paint using pigments from various sources. You and me can just stroll to the shop and get a million colors, made of the finest most durable material.

Ansel Adams kept a log to remember what he shot. And wouldn't know if the shot was good until a few hours had been spent in the darkroom. You and me chimp every shot. While the cam selects all the optimum settings for us.

The fact that art is easier should make us better at it since more time is spent in the value adding parts.
I am not against you. I support you too. But what that person says is true too. By the way you take good pictures.

raja manuel

In the zone
AMEN AMEN! i COMPLETELY SUPPORT YOU. Some pretentious BStrs these days considers themselves are photographers.
I think that calling yourself a photographer automatically makes you pretentious (general you, not you specifically). For some reason the word is implied to mean something more than 'one who takes photagraphs' which is nowadays anyone and their grandmother.

Well art does get easier to execute and that's what causes the art to get better. Michaelangelo and all made their own paint using pigments from various sources. You and me can just stroll to the shop and get a million colors, made of the finest most durable material.

Ansel Adams kept a log to remember what he shot. And wouldn't know if the shot was good until a few hours had been spent in the darkroom. You and me chimp every shot. While the cam selects all the optimum settings for us.

The fact that art is easier should make us better at it since more time is spent in the value adding parts.

True. But there is a bit more to this disdain of democratic art than that. There was a time when many forms of art were expensive - either for the artist, or for the recipient. Artists either had to be wealthy or had to have wealthy sponsors. This meant that art was for the privileged members of society, and they could decide what art flourished and what withered by allocating wealth. Now technology makes art not just easier, but also cheaper. The privileged are mourning their loss of privilege. The guy with the expensive camera can no longer impress all the chicks when guys with cheap mobiles and free filters are churning out brilliantly evocative images. Their only resort is to scoff: 'That's not real photography' they'll sneer even as they upload mediocre images to Facebook with their name watermarked on the pic just in case anyone wanted to identify people who have more money than talent.

As far as the days when artists even made their own paints, you can still find that sort of spirit within the FOSS community where people come up with personal GIMP compilations with custom algorithms that they wrote to do something special.


So just a way to show ourselves above the rest of the masses. Makes sense since there is no clear wsy to say my art is better than yours. My awesome startrails image may just lose to a guy who used a app to add galaxies and a pic of saturn to his picnic image.

So what makes good art?


So just a way to show ourselves above the rest of the masses. Makes sense since there is no clear wsy to say my art is better than yours. My awesome startrails image may just lose to a guy who used a app to add galaxies and a pic of saturn to his picnic image.

So what makes good art?

For me, whatever looks good is good art. Don't really care about the source or whatever is done to it later. Don't see anything wrong with a photo with galaxy added by an app if that photo looks good.

- - - Updated - - -

Sharing the original files for the timeslice image I made.

Here's my attempt. Never tried anything like this before. What settings u used in cam for the multiple pics.
The images should get progressively darker, but some in the middle are brighter than the ones before. May be try having the sun to one of the sides, having it in the middle didn't really help;



Here's my attempt. Never tried anything like this before. What settings u used in cam for the multiple pics.
The images should get progressively darker, but some in the middle are brighter than the ones before. May be try having the sun to one of the sides, having it in the middle didn't really help;


Looks cool... I noticed that too. It seems to get dark, then lights up for a few min, then gets dark. Something to do with the angle of total internal reflection of the atmosphere.

Will try some more timelapses over the week. Lets see if they are better.

Btw what was your method to make this?


Btw what was your method to make this?

I guess the same as you and nac, Load up the 14 as layers & crop out the rectangles.
Then adjusted exposure/brightness/contrast/colour balance/selective colour for each layer starting from right & tried to get a smooth transition. But it doesn't always work as expected.

May be next time try on the east side. You see the buildings are underexposed when the sun is up and a little later they are brighter

raja manuel

In the zone
So what makes good art?
As you said, there is no objective standard of art, and therefore art, like beauty, lies in the eye of the beholder. In practise it means that the person with the most power (influence) can proclaim that A is art and B isn't, and that effectively becomes 'true'. Think of The Fountainhead, substituting any other art form in place of architecture.


So art is an acquired or taught taste?

But there has to be a limit to it. You find some kind of music/imagery/video moving. No matter how much you are taught it will still be that way. Its very instinctive
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