Post processing images - The final step to getting that awesome click


Grand Master
I didnt like the violet line around the subject...I would rather prefer it in B&W then ruining the image itself


My biggest problem with this shot is that the lady seems to blend into the background. Maybe i should've waited till the background was dark again


Aspiring Novelist
I thought I missed more than one... :chinscratch:



Good edit nac, I guess most of our RAW posters are taking a break from photography. I've been doing a couple of clicks on and off but none of them would be really fun to post process. Would love some suggestions on things to click and post here


Aspiring Novelist
Thank you.

It's just that I am little bit busy during this time of the year. If I get some free time, I will sure try some...


Learnt something new today, if you need to shoot at a high ISO then overexpose the image by some amount +0.7 or +1.3 types, then run a noise reduction on this followed by correcting the exposure. That will give you usable images even at high ISO. Am posting the raw of a shot at 26000 ISO. Not as overexposed as I'd like but still a bit. See if this can be made into a better image

Raw link *

My really bad attempt at this



Aspiring Novelist
I tried but it gone softer... :(


Aspiring Novelist
Me too tried to get rid of that purple tone and applied vignetting. But it's still there, may be it's not that apparent in the lighter background.


yup, that's my biggest problem, the moment I push the ISO up I get this crazy amount of purple tint. And no matter how hard I push lightroom it never seems to disappear completely. But still considering that this is ISO 26000 I still think the final image came out pretty decent, at least if you don't see it at full size :)

I guess the next project is to learn stacking to remove noise :) But that requires a tripod and if I am using a tripod at night I might as well use a longer exposure


I have gone across a few B&W tuts for lightroom and found these helpful. Gave me a bit more insight on how to edit in LR.

Black&White Conversion Lightroom Tutorial -DIY Photography

How to Create High Impact Black and White Photos | Lightroom Tutorials

Although my choice of photos was poor, this was the best I could do..suggestions are most welcome.



This one would be better if the original was a bit sharp. and does the backdrop needs to be more dark?



Aspiring Novelist
Ishan's click...

Everyone has liked this picture. Just that it's a different crop and PPed to my taste.

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