Please tell me the sequence to learn programming ?


There is many programming language in the world. I want to learn number of programming language as much as possible till my old age. Presently I am in class 8(my age is 12 years). So I want the sequence that which language should I learn first. I am learning HTML AND CSS. And Almost Going to be master of these two programming languages. So, write any 20 to 22 programming languages to learn.I want to become both web developer and software engineer. And also tell me that Will I need to join any institute or learn from net from several tutorials.:-? I leaned HTML and CSS on net.


First you need to understand what software is , why is it used , what are the variety of platforms , advantages , disadvantages , etc.
It will take time , so don't be in a hurry.Get a solid foundation about computer & technology.

Only learning how to program will not help.


Broken In
Well, you if you desire to become professional software or a web developer then you should clear all the fundamental of programming languages. And for that you should start with C and C++ because it is a fundamental programming language that will help you learn all the basics about languages. When you become a master in C and C++ then you can learn any language within a short period of time. Generally every programming language has the same criteria to develop a software but the major difference is in the syntax and writing of code.


In search for Tech Gyan!
First just concentrate on your studies. IMO, this may not be the right time for anything else. Concentrate on your studies, secure good marks, then you can actually pursue whatever career you want to. If you want to pursue a career in Software Programming/Web Development, just start off with opting for Foundation of IT in class IX-X (if available in your school) and then Computer Science in class XI-XII.


Lost in speed
First just concentrate on your studies. IMO, this may not be the right time for anything else. Concentrate on your studies, secure good marks, then you can actually pursue whatever career you want to. If you want to pursue a career in Software Programming/Web Development, just start off with opting for Foundation of IT in class IX-X (if available in your school) and then Computer Science in class XI-XII.

The best way!

Just to ask, are you that much sure to say "You're almost going to be the master of HTML & CSS"?
Learning HTML & CSS as a separate (say with tags/markups) are easy tasks with tutorials. But, the real pain comes when these two are used with scripting languages.


Cyborg Agent
I don't want to discourage you, but really doubt this.
And Almost Going to be master of these two programming languages.

If you meant learning the syntax then it's ok. But there's a lot of things apart from syntax of a language.

to be a good programmer
1. you need to be very good with mathematics
2. then learn Data Structures along with a language like C
3. then learn How to derive an algorithm to solve a given problem programmatically

about web development you need to learn how to manipulate CSS & events with javascript

you can visit Programming tutorials and source code examples for languages
& W3Schools Online Web Tutorials for scripting languages
to create highly visually pleasing websites(which generally contains transitions) you will need this
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^^ +1

Studying maths and implying that in real world examples are very different for many, Eg. Right now with me i have a group of buddies who had just mugged up how the problem was solved given the problem of pure math in the paper. However, given such same problem in the world of programming to generate a data-set for a graph their feet just wiggled off!!
this was my experience,
I hated math, even right now, but I am damn sure given a problem I may solve the query and make a program for the problem right in there within given frame of time.

Regarding OP's Query
HTML CSS are yet just the basics to structure and make the page look woow!! but the actual calculating efforts and genarating a webpage from a programming language dynamically thats where a developer meets a designer!!.

there are several programming languages keeping apart the the core logical part remains the same, I was from a biology background in my 11th and 12th, but it took no time for me to study maximum of the technologies,
Start with the Logic Chapter of Standard 12th
Start with any programming language, (Basically as all start with C/C++)
Initially with (data-types, loops, functions, classes, and many greek things for you)...
Look for SIMILARITIES in other languages when you study them, AFTER completing the first one,
Ask the question does the language offers any other features...

This is how I completed my carrier in programming for last three years
1. C, Logic (Done) + Statistical math ie Basics plus, minus
2. C++, *Graphics under C(Not required), Java, and SQL-database(the parts of applications where our data resides)
3. Event driven programming:
languages namely:
Visual Basic .NET, C#.NET, Java Swing <3 for events
Web Programming:
JavaScript JS

If you need to learn web programming, you can easily learn within a course of a week, if you know the fundamentals of any above heres a list
PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor),
JSP(Java server Pages) + JSTL + Servlet
ASP.NET (Active Server Pages)
Ajax / JQuery

There are free Courses lectures available
CS50 -- > Core Logic
CSE75 -- > PHP + Ajax Web App Dev
No for java web dev :(
Study on your own by reffering Head first Java > Head First JSP + Servlet


I am the master of my Fate.
@OP: u can't learn all programming languages....and that too till old age...u will forget what u learned...

just learn 2~3 Programming languages and u r good to go on long road


First just concentrate on your studies. IMO, this may not be the right time for anything else. Concentrate on your studies, secure good marks, then you can actually pursue whatever career you want to. If you want to pursue a career in Software Programming/Web Development, just start off with opting for Foundation of IT in class IX-X (if available in your school) and then Computer Science in class XI-XII.
Worst Faculty ever! and classmates donno got any freakin' idea about what is diff b/w Cabinet and CPU :facepalm:
Donno wanna study here :(

The Conqueror

There is many programming language in the world. I want to learn number of programming language as much as possible till my old age. Presently I am in class 8(my age is 12 years). So I want the sequence that which language should I learn first. I am learning HTML AND CSS. And Almost Going to be master of these two programming languages. So, write any 20 to 22 programming languages to learn.I want to become both web developer and software engineer. And also tell me that Will I need to join any institute or learn from net from several tutorials.:-? I leaned HTML and CSS on net.

I would highly recommend you to stop learning anything about technology and focus on Physics, Chemistry and Maths, and start preparing for entrance exams so that you'll get into a decent college. Make sure you are excellent in those three subjects. There is absolutely NO CREDIT/Appreciation/Recognition for your passion for technology as far as engineering admission goes in our country. :-(
Ah you can learn as much as you wish to once you are in your second year of engineering. At the moment, even if you ace in computer Olympiads and stuff that won't help you for admission into computer engineering. Sorry, this might feel really offending, but trust me this is the reality. You have to be really good in physics and chemistry so that you are "eligible" for learning computer science.

If still have the passion for learning computer science after reading this, then straight-away head to Harvard's CS5O courses where you'll be learn algorithms, data structures and all. But make sure you devote time for other three subjects.


Hey, dude!! You are in 8th class right now! First get more knowledge about Computers and Technology. Understand several terms, read magazines like Digit etc. If you want to learn any language, start with Visual Basic.NET, but first read more.
And as The Conqueror said focus on your study more. In 11th and 12th you will have no time for stuffs other than Physics, Chemistry and Maths.


In the zone
I too set out with a goal to learn a variety of languages, and that's not impossible if you have strong foundations in programming, all it takes for each new language is learning the syntax, so for beginning, you must stick to a single language and try a variety of problems, once you have done that you should find it much easier to move to other languages as most follow some common paradigm.
I began with scripting AI for AOE2 at your age, and then learned VB, and don't find it too difficult to adapt to new languages, so I reckon event-driven is a good paradigm.

Also, even if you want to learn many languages, I'd advice you to stick to few, there is no point in being jack of all trades and master of none, and please give this a read : Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
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Broken In
as RazorbladeXtreme said first you need to learn a variety of knowledge other than programming.. Read enough magazines and go through some of the most popular tech sites like pcmag, my suggestion is start with C ,C++,JAVA,.NET,c#...and so on :-D


Broken In
It is better to join in some institute for getting certification in particular programming language ,first you have to know the basic of programming language as you are in 8 standard ,then start learning c,c++.
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