This problem was fixed in official patch. You didn't get patch working because of your unofficial launcher. Since then 3 patches has been deployed and they fixed every hiccup. It your fault not Rockstar's.
not true
I updated with official launcher just yesterday and used unofficial launcher today
I update using official,but cant start the game at all using my legit account
I used unofficial launcher just today
Rockstar has not debugged it properly for switchable gpus
so its their fault not mine
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Guys, no talks about illegal downloads.
sorry about that,I only used it because I couldnt start the game with official one
btw any idea why the game just crashes with the official one?
I paid 2700 for it and I dont understand why it didnt run out of the box even with latest updates etc
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5 GB patch is for retail version game. And those 3 patches fixing issues are small in size
yeah I got all the patches you mentioned,still have bugs