PC Buying Guide 2013 - Q4


SoLa BeLLaToR...
^^So true buddy. With those killer GPU's along with Phenoms in the rig there's no point in going for the Intel based configuration at this price range I guess:wink:

P.S - I know somebody will come up with the TDP song and gaming benchmarks of Phenoms vs i5 now. But a few will realise that its all GPU dependent:)


laborare est orare
I think we should have Intel Config too because the main problem is unavailability of the Phenom II X4/X6 processors in most of the Online shops as well as in Retail stores.


SoLa BeLLaToR...
^^Yeah we'll do that buddy. BTW when I googled '6850 crossfire' so many links appeared showing the problems associated with the same, like incompatibility with some games etc. Can you look into it and say if we should keep that configuration?


laborare est orare
That used to be problems with AMD Drivers with CF setting. There are handful of games which doesn't support CF/SLI after released and needs upgrade packs or Driver mods. Rage is the perfect example of it...very buggy with multi-gpu setup in both the camps.

But with the 12.X driver release, the problem has been addressed in large extent as now you can create own Crossfire Profile using Catalyst Control Panel. I am using HD 6870 CF for some times now which is very similar to 6850 CF and sharing my personal experience.


SoLa BeLLaToR...
Sub 70k

AMD Based (Crossfire)

Component Make Price
CPU AMD Phenom II 970 7650
CPU Cooler CM Hyper 212 Evo 2250
Motherboard GIGABYTE GA-990XA-UD3 9100
GPU Radeon HD 6870 XFire 22800
RAM G.Skill Ripjaws 4GB DDR3 1550
HDD WD Caviar Blue 500 GB 4300
Optical Drive Asus DRW-24B3ST 1110
Case NZXT Source 210 Elite 2400
PSU SeaSonic SS-750JS 5420
Monitor Benq G2222HDL 7500
KB + Mouse Logitech G100 1550
Mouse Pad Razer Goliathus - Fragged Omega 560
Speakers F&D A-520 1990
UPS APC 1.1KVA 4800
Total 72980

AMD Based (Single GPU)

Component Make Price
CPU AMD Phenom II 1090T 9000
CPU Cooler CM Hyper 212 Evo 2250
Motherboard Gigabyte MGA-970A-UD3 6600
GPU Radeon HD 7870 22850
RAM G.Skill Ripjaws 4GB DDR3 1550
HDD WD Caviar Blue 500 GB 4300
Optical Drive Asus DRW-24B3ST 1110
Case NZXT Source 210 Elite 2400
PSU SeaSonic SS-750JS 5420
Monitor Benq G2222HDL 7500
KB + Mouse Logitech G100 1550
Mouse Pad Razer Goliathus - Fragged Omega 560
Speakers F&D A-520 1990
UPS APC 1.1KVA 4800
Total 71880

Intel Based

Component Make Price
CPU Intel Core i5-2500k 12500
CPU Cooler CM Hyper 212 Evo 2250
Motherboard ASUS P8Z77-VLX 11370
GPU Radeon HD 7850 15300
RAM G.Skill Ripjaws 4GB DDR3 1550
HDD WD Caviar Blue 500 GB 4300
Optical Drive Asus DRW-24B3ST 1110
Case NZXT Source 210 Elite 2400
PSU Seasonic S12 II 620 4620
Monitor Benq G2222HDL 7500
KB + Mouse Logitech G100 1550
Mouse Pad Razer Goliathus - Fragged Omega 560
Speakers F&D A-520 1990
UPS APC 1.1VA 4800
Total 71800
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laborare est orare
Actually Crossfire problems used to look pretty problematic in pen 'n paper but they can be sorted out if you digg a little lower, even before the release of Catalyst 12.X driver.
There is a tool available called RadeonPro which can be used as an advanced alternative of Catalyst Control Center and it's available for long time. With this tool one can easily create custom profiles for different games where all the advnaced settings like Anti-Aliasing, AF, Tripple Buffering (for OpenGL), Midmap quality, Tesselation performance and most importantly Crossfire settings can be easily altered.

Like all the people with multi-GPU setup, I have faced problem with Crysis 2 when it was released. But it has been observed that if BIOSHOCK or Fear 2 Crossfire profile is applied with Crysis 2, it runs far smoother. I have used that trick with large amount of success until AMD released an Application Profile for the game.

Now with the 12.X drivers that can be done from inside the Control Center itself. The only problem, a CF setup with mid range cards like 6850 or 6870 might face is Micro-shuttering and it is true.
But the thing is if you're looking at a youtube Video of Game Playing just to discover it, you can notice it with little concentration but while playing the games with all your concentration, it is pretty hard to notice.


SoLa BeLLaToR...
But the thing is if you're looking at a youtube Video of Game Playing just to discover it, you can notice it with little concentration but while playing the games with all your concentration, it is pretty hard to notice.
You mean that the problem is so negligible that its hardly noticeable? With 10% performance increase over a GTX 580 at a comparatively lower price range, I guess anyone can live with that.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Moreover, not all games suffer from micro-stuttering. It's a problem, but not something that you can't live with.


In the zone
instead of mother board ASUS P8Z77-VLX 11370
better to go for asrock z77 extreme 4 which is atx @10000 mediaman group


laborare est orare
Rigod, in the 70K AMD config, keep HD 7870 as an alternative option. Not all the people like Multi-GPU setup due to the initial setup hickups. higher power consupmtion and heat generation. It also increases the cost of motherboard and PSU.
Also I don't feel Phenom II 970 is recommended as it only offers 100 MHz speed bump at 1.25K higher price than 965. Since 965 is a B.E. processor it can be overclocked very easily.


I am the night...I am...
You mean that the problem is so negligible that its hardly noticeable? With 10% performance increase over a GTX 580 at a comparatively lower price range, I guess anyone can live with that.

Problems like micro stuttering and screen tearing are immensely fixed with nvidia's adaptive vsync technology and it has become a big hit. The good thing is older fermi based cards also benefit from this with the latest 301.24 driver.

Guess amd will come up with something like that for its gpu lineup in the
near future but the credits go to nvidia this time. Upcoming budget cards like 660-ti can be slied without any micro-stuttering issues but they are quite a while away.

To read results about adaptive vsync refer below:


Also check user opinions on adaptive vsync and micro stuttering here.
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SoLa BeLLaToR...
@Cillus : The 965 is out of stock at SMC buddy. That's why I went with 970.

P.S - Edit the typo before someone quotes it mate:wink:

@vickybat : Thanks for that info buddy.


Away from Forums, Again!
RiGOD, in your post Here, the AMD build should be better for "Gaming Only" setup and Intel will be beast for "Generalised PC Usage with Gaming" .

P.S Also, a thread with benchmarks from different configs is under construction already :) I just need your help and support in completing it. :D


Away from Forums, Again!
RiGOD, shouldn't the 70k budget rig have a better Cabinet? Just sayin'

Offtopic - RiGOD, posted a thread regarding this, people, let me know who all can help :)

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