proper open world + monster slayin
Borderlands 1
Witcher 1/2
And aptly named "Prepare to Die" version of this game^ That is the boss of the boss of monsters. Play at your own risk.
1. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
2. DarkSector
3. Silent Hill 3
4. NecroVision
5. Prey
6. Doom 3 - how come all of you forgot it
I am looking out for games (PC) which consist of an open world and include killing of monsters very similar to Lost planet 2, Darksiders...can anybody suggest some good ones?
BTW, so 'kola' now i understood, what was 'kola'
had read in some thread earlier that you were going to change your username to a proper name
Dragon Age? I played DA II. Is this game considered to be Open world?
^also Fallout 3
Include FNV as well
unreal ?