Open SUSE or Ubuntu - Which is better for someone moving from Windows?

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Hey Guys,

Quiet for some time, i've been participating in this forum and i have noticed that the most popular choice for Linux OS is between Ubuntu and Open SUSE. I am basically a Windows+Linux user and have been using Fedora for around two years. I want to move to Ubuntu or Open SUSE. Can anybody provide the merits and demerits of these two over one another?

Thanks in advance!



openSUSE 10.3 is best distro i've used... ubuntu is easy... but if u wanna taste the real power of linux go for toungy SUSE

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In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Ubuntu.. SuSE does not provide any flexibility. And Ubuntu has HUGE community support.


^^ i dint got u "FLEXIBILITY" for wat (iam noob)
but lookin at ur Experience "Krazy_About_Technology" go for Open suse 10.3


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
^^ SuSE has graphical tools to configure almost everything, and usually if you try to edit something manually, it screws up really bad.. Ubuntu also has a lot of GUI utilities, but manual editing has never been a problem :)


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Well, i would anyday recommend Ubuntu over Fedora, mainly cause Ubuntu is deb based (superior to rpm based distros) and because on the Ubuntu community ( Though i'd recommend Linux Mint for a newcomer, as its also based on Ubuntu and has all codecs and all in place out of the box.
OK. How much points out of ten will you guys give for these categories to Ubuntu 10.7, OpenSUSE 10.3, Fedora 7?
1. Ease of use
2. GUI
3. Configuration Tools
4. Multimedia (Out of the box or after installing codecs)
5. As a Development Platform
6. Stability
7. Value for Disk Space consumed (Coz i am a lil short of it on my lappy :))



Commander in Chief
azzu - A well established Linux user will never ask such a query. Cause to him/her, everything's nearly the same and he can survive on it without fussing about. :)

@Krazy_About_Technology - Maybe this site will help with that? Its sort of old though :)

While SUSE's looks are pretty neat, Ubuntu wins more in simple usability and flexibility :)
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azzu said:
^^Kalpik Bro dont think he's much a new comer
he's usin fedora from moore than 2 years ;)

Ya, i am not exactly a new comer. I have been with linux since the days of Redhat 9 became free. Last time i used linux, it was Fedora 6, although i have also worked on Mandrake and SuSE. Never got to try debian though. I Just lost touch since last 6 months. Had some disk space problem and i earn my living working on .NET Technologies. So had to compromise to keep VStudio and remove Linux. :-( But i want to come back now :)
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18 Till I Die............
I though users were quite happier with out of box support for programming provided by Fedora.
Ubuntu is good but you will need to intall extra libraries.
When it comes to providing a lot of tools, compilers, libraries out of the box, it's gotta be sabayon, which would edge out all. And if you're quite comfortable with linux then sabayon wouldn't be that hard to learn.


Commander in Chief
Krazy_About_Technology said:
OK. How much points out of ten will you guys give for these categories to Ubuntu 10.7, OpenSUSE 10.3, Fedora 7?
1. Ease of use
2. GUI
3. Configuration Tools
4. Multimedia (Out of the box or after installing codecs)
5. As a Development Platform
6. Stability
7. Value for Disk Space consumed (Coz i am a lil short of it on my lappy :))

What you need to understand is, beneath the superficial enhancements made in each distro there is, everything is almost the same.

1. Ease of use: All the 3 have GUI tools for almost every task there is. Its only that the buttons are placed differently ;)

2. GUI - All 3 have KDE and GNOME and etc variants with lots of eye candy. But overall I'd say OpenSUSE has one of the most good looking ones. But eye candy is a very customizeable thing and can be applied to any distro to look the way you want it to.

3. Conf. Tools - Just as I said in 1. all 3 will have configuration tools for every task that needs one. Linux has evolved a lot indeed. :)

4. Multimedia - None have Out of Box support but once codecs are installed, all are the same in functionality. Though I'd say Ubuntu's single-wrapper package 'Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras' is the easiest way to get FULL multimedia support in just one click.

5. Development - Devel. tools aren't exclusive to Distros, they are the same throughout Linux entirely. All have the same compilers, gui designers, etc in their repositories.

6. Stability - Can anything be more stable than a Linux Kernel? ;) Stability again is same in all 3. While talking about security bugs and other things related to it, its again related to the entire Linux outlook and not distro specific.

7. Disk Space - Ubuntu's probably the least on a CD-based installation (3-4 GB) but I can't say. It all depends on what you choose to install and what not. Say, a KDevelop app. on Ubuntu is same as one in SUSE or Fedora. Takes the same space, gives the same look, stability, everything.

Krazy_About_Technology said:
Which site, Please give link.
Oops, forgot to hyperlink, visit:
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I would suggest Suse as I have been able to run only this on my system. I tried Ubuntu after I heard lot of praise for it but I could not install it on my system as it did not support my system hardware (Strange as my system hardwares are not odd!!). Same problem happened with Fedora Core. Only Suse installed perfectly on my system (currently OpenSuse 10.3) and is working well. Besides nearly all the programs an average user needs are available for Suse. So u will not miss on anything. GUI is good too and looks friendly.
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