Offline Ubuntu Package Center

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in search of myself
Best of luck buddy :D

After restoring the packages through aptoncd you have install them . It will be available for offline installation through synaptic package manager.

For gstreamer install these packages

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easy way to install all this software
download dvd image of ubuntu from *
in contain all u want


in search of myself
ankitsagwekar said:
easy way to install all this software
download dvd image of ubuntu from *
in contain all u want
So ubuntu started including proprietary codecs in dvd :D


My experience with aptoncd

I downloaded all the stuff from the internet cafe and brought it to home via pendrive.
Now the first thing was to install aptoncd deb package.
I earlier asked whether it had any sort of dependieces and many replied no.
When i double clicked the file, it stated me that there is no mkisofs in my system and i was unable to install.

even though ubuntu has an altenative genisoimage to mkisofs, it was unable to find out.Then i forced the package to install without dependencies and was unable to do so.

Then what i did was extracted the deb package by isssuing dpkg -e and then edited the content file to remove dependency mkisofs.Then i created the custom aptoncd deb file and i opened it.

I was able to get the install package button and i was happy and clicked it.Everything was fine but at the end it gave me some phython error and stated that it failed to install the package.

Then, i mounted the iso images and found deb packages inside the packages folder.I just copied it and tried to install all the packages.All had some dependencies but fortunately all the dependeny packages were present in the iso image.
I didn't knew the order in which i should install packages.


After doing all thse i tried to play some files.
Voila!! It played every file i throwed.So my UBUNTU is now multimedia ready.

Well, all ended well.But if aptoncd had installed sucessfully,then these procedures would be way to easy.....

I am not sure about this.But the iso file Gxine+libxine1-ffmpeg (32 bit) is corrupted.So please cross check it.I downloaded all the packages using free download manager

Last but not least,i would liked to thank CadCrazy to provide the iso images.....
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Who stole my Alpaca!
I think you canf ind the corrwect dependencies of the AptOnCd package by running

apt-cache depends aptoncd

Doing this I get the following output.

  Depends: python2.5
  Depends: python-central
  Depends: python
  Depends: python
  Depends: libgnomevfs2-0
 |Depends: genisoimage
  Depends: mkisofs
  Depends: apt-utils
  Depends: synaptic
  Depends: python-gnome2
  Depends: python-apt
  Depends: python-glade2
  Depends: python-dbus
  Depends: lsb-release
  Depends: gksu
  Depends: python-gtk2
  Depends: gnome-icon-theme
  Suggests: update-notifier
 |Recommends: nautilus-cd-burner
  Recommends: k3b
  Recommends: yelp

Some of this is obviously installed by default. When I installed AptOnCD the only file I had to download was AptOnCD itself. I used the DVD install though and I am using a 64 bit install so there might be differences between my dependencies and yours. (Im not sure about this just guessing here)

Hope this helps.


exx_2000 said:
I think you canf ind the corrwect dependencies of the AptOnCd package by running

apt-cache depends aptoncd

Doing this I get the following output.

  Depends: python2.5
  Depends: python-central
  Depends: python
  Depends: python
  Depends: libgnomevfs2-0
 |Depends: genisoimage
  Depends: mkisofs
  Depends: apt-utils
  Depends: synaptic
  Depends: python-gnome2
  Depends: python-apt
  Depends: python-glade2
  Depends: python-dbus
  Depends: lsb-release
  Depends: gksu
  Depends: python-gtk2
  Depends: gnome-icon-theme
  Suggests: update-notifier
 |Recommends: nautilus-cd-burner
  Recommends: k3b
  Recommends: yelp

Some of this is obviously installed by default. When I installed AptOnCD the only file I had to download was AptOnCD itself. I used the DVD install though and I am using a 64 bit install so there might be differences between my dependencies and yours. (Im not sure about this just guessing here)

Hope this helps.
there is no mkisofs in my UBUNTU:sad:.Mine is UBUNTU 7.10 32 Bit shipped cd.


left this forum longback
it is there in gutsy for sure.i uses gutsy.I think u dint "sudo apt-get update" when u took ur pc to netcafe.u need to do that.also make sure ur /etc/apt/sources.list is correct with all repos there.below is mine for gutsy 32-bit
deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071017)]/ gutsy main restricted
# See * for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
#Repository List based on standard gutsy with many extra packages
# If you get errors about missing keys, lookup the key in this file
# and run these commands (replace KEY with the key number):
#  gpg --keyserver --recv KEY
#  gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -
# If you have a gpg key URL use (replace URL with the key address):
#  wget -q URL -O- | sudo apt-key add -
# If you have a gpg key file use (replace FILE with the key file):
#  sudo apt-key add FILE

deb * gutsy main restricted
deb-src * gutsy main restricted

## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb * gutsy-updates main restricted
deb-src * gutsy-updates main restricted

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
## team.
deb * gutsy universe
deb-src * gutsy universe
deb * gutsy-updates universe
deb-src * gutsy-updates universe

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu 
## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to 
## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in 
## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
## security team.
deb * gutsy multiverse
deb-src * gutsy multiverse
deb * gutsy-updates multiverse
deb-src * gutsy-updates multiverse

## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'
## repository.
## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
deb * gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src * gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
## 'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is
## offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu
## users.
deb * gutsy partner
deb-src * gutsy partner

deb * gutsy-security main restricted
deb-src * gutsy-security main restricted
deb * gutsy-security universe
deb-src * gutsy-security universe
deb * gutsy-security multiverse
deb-src * gutsy-security multiverse

# Seveas’ packages (GPG key: 1135D466)
# GPG key-file: *
deb * gutsy-seveas all
deb-src * gutsy-seveas all

# Medibuntu - Ubuntu 7.10 "gutsy gibbon"
# GPG key-file: *
deb * gutsy free non-free
#deb-src * gutsy free non-free

# Debuntu Ubuntu gutsy packages
# GPG Key: *
deb  * gutsy multiverse
#deb-src * gutsy multiverse
uncomment necessary repos to reload in synaptic or run in terminal sudo apt-get update


hey! i didin't took my pc to cafe.Instead,i just downloaded all the iso images and aptoncd deb package into my pendrive..


in search of myself
Buddy apt on cd is nothing but a copy tool. It copies all the packages found in iso file to /var/cache/apt/archives/ which you can also do manually. After the .deb packages are copied there you can install it through synaptic, no need to install each every package.
Lets say you downloaded gstreamer+vlc.iso . Now copy all the .deb packages to /var/cache/apt/archives (either through apt-on-cd or manuallly) and to install do the following.

Open synaptic package manager and mark following packages for installtion

click apply and done. So no need to install each and every package

adi007 said:
there is no mkisofs in my UBUNTU:sad:.Mine is UBUNTU 7.10 32 Bit shipped cd.
But mine is also 7.10 32 bit and no mkisofs error in my case.
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Who stole my Alpaca!
Buddy apt on cd is nothing but a copy tool. It copies all the packages found in iso file to /var/cache/apt/archives/ which you can also do manually. After the .deb packages are copied there you can install it through synaptic, no need to install each every package.

Just curious but would that automatically let synaptic know the package has already been downloaded and mark it in there accordingly? cause the last thing I need on a dialup is for a package to be downloaded again even if it is in that folder?


tried it copied all the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives/ but the packages didn't appeared in the synaptic package manager...
I even tried sudo apt-get install mplayer as you said but didn't worked...


in search of myself
adi007 said:

Last but not least,i wolud liked to thank CadCrazy to provide the iso images.....

Most Welcome

adi007 said:
tried it copied all the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives/ but the packages didn't appeared in the synaptic package manager...
I even tried sudo apt-get install mplayer as you said but didn't worked...

just click the refresh button on synaptic
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in search of myself
Ok keep on reporting me any missing packages so that i can add it to iso and others may not face the same prob


I am not sure about this.But the iso file Gxine+libxine1-ffmpeg (32 bit) is corrupted.So please cross check it.I downloaded all the packages using free download manager
The package is fine
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