*www.techiechips.com/convert-movies-and-videos-nokia-5800/Hi All,
Can anybody suggest some optimum settings for converting video for 5800?
I dont want the best quality, just a balance between size and quality
Is it possible to convert a 700 MB dvd rip to a filesize of 300-350 mb with ok to good quality? if possible what program to use and what settings?
am going there this sunday. need to know many things about my 5800XM.
Thanks for that software....but is there any software through which I can access my desktop I mean I could control windows...I have tried soo many vpn softwares but just couldnt manage to use...
after hard thinking i finally get my hands on 5800XM...am prety new with it so will be reading this thread and hopes it helps me in ma problem..
@desibond...nope they too have remote for mobile from PC but i want it otherway....I want to control PC from mobile
@DigitalDude...I tried RDM+ but it needs net connection to control PC...doesnt work with wifi or bluetooth
Can any1 pls describe wht is kinetic scrolling?