Norway snatches away children from Indian couple!


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
If I had a penny for everytime an Indian classlessly stereotyped others while knowing NOTHING about their culture, and living with their pseudo-cultural zealatory, I would have been a billionxbillion-are. :))

they will pay every such kind of idiots will pay i will not leave any of them.:x

:lol: Jog on mate. You ain't no toll tax.


Super Moderator
Staff member
they will pay every such kind of idiots will pay i will not leave any of them.:x
could you please lay off the crack before posting?

When you make a lulzifying post, don't delete it. Private lulz for mods are unfair. I've undeleted your post.


BMG ftw!!
This entire process to separate children from parents(for eg: force them to sleep in their own room at early ages) has destroyed the entire western youth,

I strongly disagree with this point. It is essential to maintain personal life. Think about so called Indian culture & what do most of the people do, and how most of guys/girls like us behave with parents after so much of care from childhood.

Detailed discussion is out of the scope of this thread.


Super Moderator
Staff member
:rofl:indian culture!history 101---indian term was coined by foreigners who called natives of those living across the Indus river hindus since their language did not contain a letter for sound "I".hence originated the words hindus & hindustaan.later with introduction of english came India & technically the words "india/Indian/Hindu"are themselves foreign next time before fighting over Indian culture please keep this in mind that native term is "Bhaartiya/Bhaarat"(which btw is dead a long time ago).the so called indian culture today is a mixture of various cultures many of which are technically foreign in nature.

on a side note i consider indian parenting(not bhartiya which is extinct) as merely a Hypocritical form of western parenting.
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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Er even if these all were foreign words, the medium of communication is English here and India is the official English name of the country.


The way i think the European kids are brought up is better than how we Indians are, on the grounds of self-sufficiency atleast.


Super Moderator
Staff member
i was just looking for some fun reply:)it is really amazing that lots of people don't know that india/hindu terms are foreign in nature & yet these are used as 100% indigenous terms.also to those who rely too much on wikipedia note for future that when it comes to serious academics no educational institution worth its salt will accept wiki citations.

P.S.there are 100% indigenous can find them on some unesco's about to get extinct list;)
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Human Spambot
+1 for arsenal_gunners for making my day.haven't come across too much wiki dependent persons here.

Don't give me BS about wiki.It's just a lazy argument people like you use when they got proved wrong.It's reliable enough for basic facts which you fail to get right. :lol:
I am posting on the general chat section of a tech forum,not submitting a thesis.So keep your "academic" advice to yourself.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wikipedia says otherwise.
Don't give me BS about wiki.It's just a lazy argument people like you use when they got proved wrong.It's reliable enough for basic facts which you fail to get right.

Sindhu = Indus river. :p
@arsenal_gunners,maybe if you have read in more detail or some other source i wouldn't be posting this & my previous least i can give you benefit of miscommunication/inadvertent error but not sure about Liverpool_fan.

@Liverpool_fan,the only thing "red"which carry some weight with me is a red beacon atop govt vehicle,the only pool which intimidate me a little is swimming pool & the only fan i care about is ceiling fan in summer.:cool:


The Power of x480
Staff member

Am I the only one, for whom the conversation on this thread is going straight above the head!! :(
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