Net Connection in Ubunto 5.10

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u got a utstarcom modem.just login from from browser with admin as user and passwd.check for the option bridged mode is enabled.I am no expert in configuring modem.btwn ur Ubuntu is tooo old.try upgrading to Ubuntu feisty


dig_boy_dig,dig !
Yes bridged mode is enable as per the screen appears..
I am unable paset the screen shot here. because I dont know how to do it. Also can you provide me the New Ubuntu version in CD format the cost and shipping charge I will bear. Because my bb is home plan 250. If I download ubuntu my condition will be alarming.


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Just read through the whole thread once again.check ur browser settings set correctly(some proxy).printscreen press will give u the screenshot that u have to save.else look for an app in menu called "gimp">acquire>___


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Linux got practically NO Viruses.only prototype viruses(or worms) does exists.but dont care them for the time.
AVs are there for Linux-for the use of scanning windows no AV is read the links i helps.
One of the most common questions I hear new Linux users ask is "What program should I use for virus protection?" Many of them lose faith in me as a source of security information when I reply, "None." But you really don't need to fear malware on your new platform, thanks to the way Linux is built.
Savvy Windows users have to watch their virus checkers as closely as the head nurse in the ICU keeps an eye on patient monitors. Often, the buzz in the Windows security world is about which protection-for-profit firm was the first to discover and offer protection for the malware du jour -- or should I say malware de l'heure? The only thing better than having backed the winning Super Bowl team come Monday morning at the office coffeepot is having the virus checker you use be the one winning the malware sweepstakes that weekend.

If a rogue program finds a crack in your Windows armor, paying $200 per infection to have your machine scrubbed and sanitized by the local goon^H^H^H^H geek squad not only helps to reinforce the notion that you have to have malware protection, but that it has to be the right protection, too. The malware firms are aware of this, and all of their advertising plays upon the insecurity fears of Windows users and the paranoia that results. Chronic exposure and vulnerability to malware has conditioned Windows users to accept this security tax.

It's no wonder, then, that when Windows users are finally able to break their chains and experience freedom on a Linux desktop, they stare at me in disbelief when I tell them to lay that burden down. They are reluctant to stop totin' that load. They have come to expect to pay a toll for a modicum of security.

I try to explain that permissions on Linux make such tribute unnecessary. Without quibbling over the definitions of viruses and trojans, I tell them that neither can execute on your machine unless you explicitly give them permission to do so.

Permissions on Linux are universal. They cover three things you can do with files: read, write, and execute. Not only that, they come in three levels: for the root user, for the individual user who is signed in, and for the rest of the world. Typically, software that can impact the system as a whole requires root privileges to run.

Microsoft designed Windows to enable outsiders to execute software on your system. The company justifies that design by saying it enriches the user experience if a Web site can do "cool" things on your desktop. It should be clear by now that the only people being enriched by that design decision are those who make a buck providing additional security or repairing the damage to systems caused by it.
thats why reading some articles helps ease the use and helps accustomed to the new OS:
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When you finish reading what prakash said then try this switchers guide


dig_boy_dig,dig !
As per your advice I leaving the Antivirus topic aside. I will learn it later.
Another problem I found today while booting into ubuntu, I see somewhere in the screen somthing like "Temporary fail in name resolution."

About the command "gksudo","gedit" in the terminal or in run command.
it always give warning msg. "Cannot open display". Please give me solution.
Also I registered my name with for supply of free CD of Ubuntu 7.04. Will they supply me the same as per the time frame they mentioned. Whether it will shiped from India or abort.

skghosh44 said:
As per your advice I leaving the Antivirus topic aside. I will learn it later.
Another problem I found today while booting into ubuntu, I see somewhere in the screen somthing like "Temporary fail in name resolution."

About the command "gksudo","gedit" in the terminal or in run command.
it always give warning msg. "Cannot open display". Please give me solution.
Also for supply of free CD of Ubuntu 7.04. Will they supply me the same as per the time frame they mentioned. Whether it will shiped from India or abort.

you just Wasted a disc:(
nearly all members here have ubuntu you could have asked us, even ubuntu was given in digit july dvd, it would been faster now the shipit service will take around one month.

I registered my name with

Its ubuntu or ubunto


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I think most of his problem-solutions are described in this thread.for eg:terminal.

just read the thread and be ready with Linux OS.then try the soltns i need to read and use a little terminal to be proficient.
now regarding temp failure in name resoultion is because of ur DNS servers not working/(not efficient).just make sure ur /etc/resolv.conf entry exists.

OR else use opendns. * for furthur info.(i am using opendns in btwn)
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dig_boy_dig,dig !
praka123 said:
I think most of his problem-solutions are described in this thread.for eg:terminal.

just read the thread and be ready with Linux OS.then try the soltns i need to read and use a little terminal to be proficient.
now regarding temp failure in name resoultion is because of ur DNS servers not working/(not efficient).just make sure ur /etc/resolv.conf entry exists.

OR else use opendns. * for furthur info.(i am using opendns in btwn)

If I take screen shot and save it, but I dont know how to paste it here. hence I reduce the size of the file and attached herewith.

also reg internet connxn problem-u have to select the o/p of ifconfig command from terminal and paste copy and paste the output from terminal.
I did not find the o/p of ifconfig. please explain.
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@ghosh:use or upload the screenshot "as is" and link here(direct link) dont do the extra work of resizing etc.
ifconfig is a command.if u press enter-there is an output for that command.just select with left mouse pressed and hovered to the end and right click copy and then paste it in forum.thats what i meant.and u already gave the output(o/p):
I hope u need a little more time to accustomed with linux.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
Because I am totally new in linux. Many thanks to you, that you taking so much pain to teach me. Now I am trying the link you mentioned. Yes I have successfully uploaded one screen shot to As I may replying from Xp only one screen shot saved in flash drive is uploaded.
if required tomorrow I will post more shot through Ubuntu. Good night.
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I somehow saw ur screenshot.from that it seems ur root user?my suggestion is that since ur using version 5.10 Ubuntu-install this program called sux as root(su).download to a directory and install as dpkg -i debfilename.
^now after installing this,try.also gksudo etc are needed only when ur in "$" prompt but u seems login as root-tell me are u login as "root"?it is wrong.make a userid and passwd.
as far as opening gui apps from terminal "sux" app helps a gr8 extent am using it.other wise it is hard to follow the copy move of ~/.Xauthority and..
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dig_boy_dig,dig !
For your analysis I use those command in root. I already creatd a user, when I log into Ubuntu it automatically login as user . Now I am going the link you mentioned.
After that I will be glad to know about installing pakage, accessing windows partition and setting other parameters in Ubuntu
Expert Techie
you just Wasted a disc
nearly all members here have ubuntu you could have asked us, even ubuntu was given in digit july dvd, it would been faster now the shipit service will take around one month.
I did not find Ubuntu 7.04 in the July'07 Digit DVD. There is Fedora 7 full Version and Fedora Rescue CD. Will you please tell me which folder contains the Ubuntu 7.04. I searched all the folder but did not find.
I somehow saw ur screenshot.from that it seems ur root user?my suggestion is that since ur using version 5.10 Ubuntu-install this program called sux as root(su).download to a directory and install as dpkg -i debfilename.
Please see screenshot here
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^dont open the *.deb with file-roller extractor!!! .deb is the equivalent to setup.exe in windows env.
u have to open terminal as root(with # prompt) and "cd" into the directory where u have downloaded sux_xx.deb.I assume u have used firefox to download sux.
so with assumptions,i am giving few commands:
1.first cd(change directory) into where u downloaded the sux.deb package.In "#" prompt,
cd /home/ghosh/Desktop
change from ghosh to whatever is ur home/username dir is,
ls -l
^make sure sux .deb is listed there.
then install as:
dpkg -i sux_1.0.1-3_all.deb
now try opening gui editors like gedit as root.else use nano editor.then edit using any editor /etc/apt/sources.list by "unhashing" by removing the "#" in the lines on ur /etc/apt/sources.list and save.then open synaptic package manager(search Gnome menus) and press reload(when internet connection is ON).now install ur favourite software from synaptic.for hoary 5.10 sources.list comparison,look at:

skghosh44 said:
For your analysis I use those command in root. I already creatd a user, when I log into Ubuntu it automatically login as user . Now I am going the link you mentioned.
After that I will be glad to know about installing pakage, accessing windows partition and setting other parameters in Ubuntu

I did not find Ubuntu 7.04 in the July'07 Digit DVD. There is Fedora 7 full Version and Fedora Rescue CD. Will you please tell me which folder contains the Ubuntu 7.04. I searched all the folder but did not find.

Its in june dvd, i did a typo

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
gary4gar I find the ubuntu 7.04 in June DVD. Thanks a lot.
Earlier when I start the DVD it starts as live CD. Also it is written in the DVD as Ubuntu rescue CD. Today I install the same replacing the Ubuntu 5.10.

praka123 You last solution is also failed in Ubuntu 5.1 in my system. Now Ubuntu 7.04 is in my system. Now I can open other web page which was not opened in Ubuntu 5.10. Now I will try the other command which u have adviced.
But I forgotton how to make the root passward. Becasue I create user ac during installation. The installer not ask me for root PW. Also Please tell me the location of "Network Monitor" file.
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skghosh44 said:
gary4gar I find the ubuntu 7.04 in June DVD. Thanks a lot.
Earlier when I start the DVD it starts as live CD. Also it is written in the DVD as Ubuntu rescue CD. Today I install the same replacing the Ubuntu 5.10. will start as a live cd & then after booting up there will an install icon on the Desktop, double click on it to start the installation;)
the idea behind this is user & can first try & choose to install
earlier this same task was done by 2 disc but using 1 disc is saved ubuntu people a lot of money:-|

praka123 You last solution is also failed in Ubuntu 5.1 in my system. Now Ubuntu 7.04 is in my system. Now I can open other web page which was not opened in Ubuntu 5.10. Now I will try the other command which u have adviced.
But I forgotton how to make the root passward. Becasue I create user ac during installation. The installer not ask me for root PW. Also Please tell me the location of "Network Monitor" file.

if you did'nt create a pass then leave it blank,


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it is not necessary to create root passwd in latest ubuntu-it is discouraged for the same reason.use sudo,gksudo instead to get root privilages.

Bsnl dataone On ubuntu 7.04 in 30sec (the graphical way)
This tutorial is divided into two parts viz.
1. ubuntu configuration(same on every machine)
2. Router's configuration(varies with different models)
NOTE:It requires you to have root access.
1)Goto System>Administration>Network. a dialog box will open

2)Select Wired Connection & click on Properties. set the following values & click on OK


3) Click on DNS tab on the Network dialog box. Click on ADD along the DNS servers & use the following values

Now you are done with first part :)

Note:it may be vary as router to router based on model no.

1) Goto Application>Internet>Firefox web browser. enter in address bar
enter 'admin' as user id & password.

1. now goto setup tab &
Click on PVC0 change :
VPI / VCI to 0/35
Virtual Circuit : Enabled
WAN Settings : PPPoE/PPPoA
Username : yourusername@dataone
Password: yourpassword
Click on Apply

2) goto system tab, click save & reboot

now you just need to switch the router on for dataone to work
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