Net Connection in Ubunto 5.10

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
I am an novice in LINUX. Recently I installed Ubuntu 5.10 after failure to llogin in Fedora 7 after successful installation. Now I wish to make a net connection through BSNL's DataOne BB. I tried the DIGIT Fast Track/Ubuntu's inbuilt help as well as online help. But I am unable to make the net connection. I shall be glad if I get step by step guide how to make the connection.

ubuntu novice.


Wise Old Owl
skghosh44 said:
I am an novice in LINUX. Recently I installed Ubuntu 5.10 after failure to llogin in Fedora 7 after successful installation. Now I wish to make a net connection through BSNL's DataOne BB. I tried the DIGIT Fast Track/Ubuntu's inbuilt help as well as online help. But I am unable to make the net connection. I shall be glad if I get step by step guide how to make the connection.

ubuntu novice.
Find the network administration app. Select the options in ur LAN card such that it will be activated on boot, ip will be obtained via DHCP. I am FC user so i hv no screenshots for u. :)


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I obtained the IP via DHCP. I exactly dont remind, but In one window i have seen network status is active. it received/sents packets and bytes. In windows os we have to make a new internet connection to access the net,
on which we have to provide out user ID/PW created by the ISP. After providing the correct ID/PW we can login the net. But in Ubuntu what is the


Wise Old Owl
skghosh44 said:
I obtained the IP via DHCP. I exactly dont remind, but In one window i have seen network status is active. it received/sents packets and bytes. In windows os we have to make a new internet connection to access the net,
on which we have to provide out user ID/PW created by the ISP. After providing the correct ID/PW we can login the net. But in Ubuntu what is the
Your ISP authentication system is different kya? You don't login to ur con using the web-browser??


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I cannt got your point. I mean when we wish to connect to the net, ist we have to put the ID/pw provided by the BSNL, after sucessful loging the status shows that " Now you are connected to the net". After that we can brows any web site. But is the procedure in Ubunto to connect to the net.


left this forum longback
skghosh44 said:
I am an novice in LINUX. Recently I installed Ubuntu 5.10 after failure to llogin in Fedora 7 after successful installation. Now I wish to make a net connection through BSNL's DataOne BB. I tried the DIGIT Fast Track/Ubuntu's inbuilt help as well as online help. But I am unable to make the net connection. I shall be glad if I get step by step guide how to make the connection.
ubuntu novice.
In Ubuntu,you have to use terminal with "sudo" prefixed for temp root/admin privilage to configure internet.first make it clear-do u have onboard lancard.secondly is ur connection configured from the modem/router,so that dataone is already available when in the system?
thirdly,is ur computer directly connects to the modem?
I use the rp-pppoe dialer in ubuntu/linux.the configuration steps are already mentioned in another thread of mine.
and ubuntu india community site explains things as well.
^ above one solves ur problem-I hope.
and eg for root access from terminal is like "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
will open that file as root/admin who only can have the permission to edit that file and to save changes.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I have two lan card one is on board and other on PCI slot. My connection in Win Xp is in PCI lan port. Yes my connection is configure from the modem in
Win Xp from which I am writing this thread. Yes my computer is directly connect to the modem.


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so you got two lan cards?its worth knowing that you are not sharing anything with windows os!Ubuntu Linux just uses ur pc h/w resources the same way window$ does.
so what u want to do will be posted below as ur yet to try the links which i gave:?:?.
I'll try explaining how to set up dataone on Debian/Ubuntu Linux if u got LAN card(mostly inbuilt) in ppp mode rather than using router's inbuilt is risky using router's configuration via dialer as someone can administer ur router if u didnt reset ur router passwd.leave it apart,
First make sure ur LAN card is enable and is up.all below commands are to be ran in terminal(in menu Applications>Accessories>Terminal)
give ur user passwd when prompted and press enter.
also paste the output from terminal here, if i asks.
the output shud show ethx,where x is ur lan card(s) number.for eg:eth0,eth1 etc
for reference below is my output.
[B]eth0[/B]      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:17:88:99:GE:AV  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::214:85ff:fe98:bea2/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:16343 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:13328 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:17254486 (16.4 MiB)  TX bytes:2304662 (2.1 MiB)
          Interrupt:20 Base address:0xa000 

[B] lo[/B]        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:1700 (1.6 KiB)  TX bytes:1700 (1.6 KiB)
if u got "lo" and "ethx" there in the output
Lets see:
first open a terminal.type and enter below commands.

sudo[B] pppoeconf[/B]
^^ this will go step by step setting ur internet.a blue screen based user interface is shown.u can select options OK,NO etc by using keyboard combinations ALT+TAB,enter etc.

at somewhere in last section,it will ask for always on connection-if u want only say yes.else say after everything is over.go to ur terminal or ALT+F2 run dialog and enter :
 pon dsl-provider
will switch on dataone
[B]poff  dsl-provider[/B]
^ switches off.
U can make shortcuts for this in ur desktop or top panel that will be used to on or off.
that means u can connect using above commands.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
Thanks prakash,
Today I tried as per your guidelines and also go through the link provided by you. after configuring the connection I can connect the net and now writing by this connection. But i cannot make the sort cut for
"on" and "off" for dataone. Also please please tell me that is it automatically start whenever i start my pc in ubunto? If it is what is the proceure for not starting the dataone automatically? Also we can see the connection status in Win Xp by clicking icon in Task Bar, In case ubuntu what is the procedure to see the status of connection?
Again thanks, At last I can connect the net with the help of the member specially parka123.
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I dont like broadband started at @ghosh if u ran pppoeconf,u'll be noticing that the blue ui asked u whether u wanted to start at bootup and u must say no.u can make two shortcuts on desktop or gnome-panel(taskbars).I''ll explain it.regarding icon on panel.yes it shows.u need to open synaptic and install gnome-netstatus-applet,also gnome got applets for showing thermal sensors o/ps for ur processor,mobo,hdd etc.that means a lot.

For adding shortcuts,download the two attached icons on this post and move them to directory /usr/share/pixmaps.u need to open nautilus file manager(same as win explorer) as admin privilage to move as ur local user is not permitted to write to the above directory.u can invoke nautilus fm as admin by below commands:
press alt+f2 to get a run the run dialog paste the below commands with spaces intact and run.
gksudo nautilus
^then copy the icons from ur /home/user/Desktop(most prolly) or wherever u downloaded them and move to dir /usr/share/pixmaps.
now to make shortcut on desktop or panel,right click on panel or dekstop and add new shortcut.their u have to give the name of the shortcut dsl-on and in command space give pon dsl-provider and similarly for dsl-poff and in command space give command the icons accordingly from dir /usr/share/pixmaps(the one i attached).
Now net-status applet can be added by right clik panel top or bottom and add "network monitor"-do this while ur internet connection is active.
there are lot of other tips like using opendns for faster name resolution etc of Luck and Linux will be tough for hardcore windows users as they expect linux to be the same as windows.but unix is different and u have to learn few new things and unlearn some windows specific.u need atleast 3 weeks to stand on ubuntu as a windows user.also read many a resources available on net and know the difference of unix style versus linux.for eg:no viruses,malwares,*.wares in UNIX-like systems and Linux.also dont search for software in internet unlike in windows.all available softwares(most!) are from synaptic manager in menu System>admin>synaptic.also make sure ur /etc/apt/sources.list seems as mine atleast as below.edit appropriately by gedit editor as sudo.make sure the first line for ur ubuntu cd remains there dont remove that line.u can edit as earlier by using run dialog as
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
# # If you get GPG errors with this sources.list, locate the GPG key in this file
# # and run these commands (where KEY is replaced with that key)
# #
# # gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys KEY
# # gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -
#Ubuntu Security
deb * feisty-security main restricted
deb-src * feisty-security restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties
deb * feisty-security universe
deb * feisty-security multiverse

# # Ubuntu supported packages
# # GPG key: 437D05B5
deb * feisty main restricted
deb-src * feisty restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties
deb * feisty-updates main restricted
deb-src * feisty-updates restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties

# # Ubuntu community supported packages
# # GPG key: 437D05B5
deb * feisty universe multiverse
deb * feisty-updates universe multiverse

# # Ubuntu backports project
# # GPG key: 437D05B5
deb * feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src * feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse #Added by software-properties

#### Proposed Multiverse ####
deb * feisty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src * feisty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse #Added by software-properties

#### Canonical Commercial ####
deb * feisty-commercial main

deb * feisty free non-free

deb * feisty extras
deb-src * feisty extras


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I gone through your reply. Now I will switch to ubunto and have to try the job. See you after experiment. Till then bye.


left this forum longback
it is Ubuntu not ubunto, :p also Ubuntu means humanity to others in African.
do read the ethical benefits of FOSS(open source) :) for eg:
and the Gnome panel with dsl-on and dsl-off shortcuts will look like this:
^note the network monitor showing bb active.
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dig_boy_dig,dig !
Sorry for spelling mistake. I have successfully added the sortcut as per your advice.But I find slightly different as described by you. Now I have another problem. Some pages are not open. i.e "," fist page open very quickly, but whenever I try to other link of the page the page automatically closed. what is the problem. Another problem when i typed in user prompt
"gksudo gedit/etc/apt/sources.list" in the terminal it appears as

(gedit:11824): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.

When I types in root this msg come outs.

(gksudo:11882): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

What's worng whith this . please explain.


left this forum longback the output of command "ifconfig" when internet is ON be posted here.
2.are u able to open the editor gedit with gksudo .. cmd?try running from "run" dialog-by pressing ALT+F2 and run again.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I made the two sortcut in the pannel successfully. But there is another problem. Some page I cannot open. i.e, Ist page open nicely, whenever I try to open other link of that page the browser automatically closed. what is the wrong.
Also the code belw is not working :
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (user prompt)

(gedit:12069): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ( root)
(gksudo:12108): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

Please explain.
Another how you make the screen shot and post it in the thread ?

Now you connect to WWW then consider upgrading to 7.04
5.10 is way too old to use, its like using windows 98 in era of windows vista


left this forum longback
Yes.what @gary said is cent % correct.move to Ubuntu Feisty if bandwidth dont edit with my sources.list posted above.only remove the "#" before the entries except first two lines for ur CDrom sourced for ur Hoary Hedgehog(ubuntu version) which is very old
skghosh44 said:
I made the two sortcut in the pannel successfully. But there is another problem. Some page I cannot open. i.e, Ist page open nicely, whenever I try to open other link of that page the browser automatically closed. what is the wrong.
Also the code belw is not working :
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (user prompt)

(gedit:12069): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ( root)
(gksudo:12108 ): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

Please explain.
Another how you make the screen shot and post it in the thread ?
for the last doubt research menus in Gnome for take screenshot.also by pressing printscreen key will take the screenshot.or u can use gimp too.
reg,ur query,it seems the terminal ur using cannot export the X credentials for root session.I'd like to see a screenshot of error.Also do u have X(Display) or did u tried from some tty's?those commands are meant to be tried from gnome-terminal inside gnome.
OK.if X(Display) is there.then do as a terminal.then run below command :
xhost +
^^ ^ then try the command gksudo...
if that fails,just post the output of :
xauth list
also reg internet connxn problem-u have to select the o/p of ifconfig command from terminal and paste copy and paste the output from terminal.

btwn guys?c'mon ppl help too.Why do i feel am a single man army in OSS section :( where do others gone?


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I am is puzzle. What to do. I will try to solve the problem one by one. My 1st problem is web page problem. I paste here output of "ifconfig" :
$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:A1:74:99:6F
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::208:a1ff:fe74:996f/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:5444 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1938 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1534362 (1.4 MiB) TX bytes:233717 (228.2 KiB)
Interrupt:18 Base address:0xc000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:34924 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:34924 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:2621993 (2.5 MiB) TX bytes:2621993 (2.5 MiB)

ppp0 Link encap:point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:98 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:89 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
RX bytes:14437 (14.0 KiB) TX bytes:8055 (7.8 KiB)

after solving this problem. I post you the other problem.


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ur ifconfig o/p looks OK.are ur router/modem is configured as dialer the router firewall enabled?i am no expert with router configs.but as per the howto i have shown-there are pictures like below which shows that ur router needs to be configured as "bridged" mode in router.what is ur router model/name?

now post the output of :
^it will take some time.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
I dont know whether my router is configured as dialer or not. But the same
adsl modem is configured in Win Xp in the same PC where duel booting system as win xp and ubuntu. There is no model name in the router/modem
Only I got there DataOne written on the modem with Model No -WA3002-g1 and H/W Ver : A1. Also how I will invok the picture as shown by you.
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