Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC

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1. What is the purpose of the computer?
A: Quite a lot of gaming. Generic Hometheatre stuff + Some Programming + Casual Image & Video Editing
2. Are you open to alternate ideas/products giving similar better performance but offering more VFM/ sellers?
A: Yes
3. What is your MAX budget?
A: 30k
4. Planning to overclock?
A: Not immediately. Probably will do later.
5. Which OS are you planning to use?
A: Windows 7
6. How much hard drive space is needed?
A: None. Cuurently have a 250 GB SATA drive. Will use it for now.
7. What resolution will the screen run at & whats the size of the screen you want?
A: Already have Benq G2420 24". So max resolution will be 1920x1080. Anyone can comment on 720p gaming with max settings on HD monitors from a distance (ie. will help in buying a cheaper graphics card) ?
8. How would you rate your hardware knowledge from the count of 1-10?
A: 8 becoz I havent ever overclocked my P4 rig and because I am yet to try all these water cooling things sometime in future.
9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
A: Yes. Don't really mind getting it done by assembler too as long as I can supervise.
10. When are you planning to buy the system?
A: Soon. Maybe will wait for AMD 6000 series cards to hit.
11. Are you one of the types looking out for "future proof" configurations?
A: Yes. I know all AMD/Intel platforms are close to dead now, but still want the system to be as upgradeable as possible 2 years down the line.
12. Are there going to be any components that you don't want to include in this new rig? If yes, do mention.
A: No Monitor, HDD, Sound cards, Speakers, Keyborad+Mouse
13. Which city do you live in and are you open to buying from shops from other city/states?
A: Hyderabad. Not really interested in buying online, unless its a part I cant get locally.
14. Mention any other points if deemed necessary

Note : Please excuse my many questions. Spending a hard earned 30k on technology which gets easily outdated is hard :-|

A: Already thought of most things as below:

Processor - AMD Athlon II x4 635 - 5k or maybe the 645 if its available soon
Question : Considering the AMD Phenom 955 too. Is the stock HS Fan really noisy that I would have to consider an aftermarked HSF = 7.7 k + 2k = 9.7k? In that case does it make sense to consider the Quad Core i5 760 at nearly the same price? The stock i5 fan is quiet right ?
Assuming the room is quiet and in winter without any ceiling fans, is the 955 fan noisy while surfing the web (no sound from speakers) and watching movies too or only under heavy gaming ? A slight hum is OK but it shouldnt sound like a small vaccum cleaner. My P4 3.2 Ghz with HT is so damn noisy that when I shut it down, I feel so peaceful and the quietness is just amazing :p
Should a Thermal Paste be considered like the Cooler Master Arctic Silver or the factory supplied ones will do?

Motherboard - Some 880 Chipset USB3 Motherboard - 5.7k
Question : A non USB 3 880 chipset motherboard will be around 4.5k. Does it makes sense in saving the money right now since I dont have any USB3 devices and dont know when I would be purchasing one? Want a ATX motherboard preferably too, but all these new mother boards are all Micro ATX. If going the intel way, should I consider H55 or P55 for my purposes? I guess H55 or P55 can be had for 5-6k, making it almost equal in price to an AMD config (with a 955+HSF).

Ram - 2+2 GB Corsair 1333 MHz Ram - 4.5 - 5k
Question : Will the Corsair XMS3 1600MHz Rams give any additional benefit for an AMD config?

Graphics Card - Nvidia GTS 450 (8k) or 5770 (9k) or GTX 460 (768 MB. 12k?) Or wait for AMD 6000 series
Question : Which card seems best for my requirements. Does it make sense to wait?
Even if i get a GTS 450, will it be able do a 720p gaming for ALL current games at close to max settings ? Why i asked for 720p is that, I am in the habit of sitting at a distance (5 feet min - 10 ft max) from my PC while gaming, either with my cordless Keyboard+Mouse or my Wired XBox 360 controller. So if I sit a distance, will 720p (or a little higher resolution) look good when compared to 1080p ? I like playing sandbox games like GTA and Mafia. FPS games, I like only a few like COD:MW2.

Optical Drive - LG Sata - 1k
No questions here at all :razz:

Hard Drive - None - 0k
Question : I have a old SATA I 1.5GBps 250GB Seagate 7200 RPM hard drive.
Will this slower Hard Disk affect performance a lot for the new rig? Will consider a new HDD down the line. Wanted to know which is better and economical - Seagate Barracuda or WD Cavair Blue (say 1TB) and the current prices?

Cabinet - Cooler Master Elite 430 - 2.8k
Question : Are extra fans required for this? Are the CM 310, 330 worth? The NZXT Gamma doesnt look good to me and not available locally as well. The Zeronics cases (Bijli/Reaper) are good or better to stick with CM? PSU at the top or bottom should be preferred?

PSU - Corsair vx450 (For Nvidia 450/Radeon 5770) - 3.5k.
For NVidia GTX460 - vx550 - 4.7k.

Question : There is also a Corsair GS600 in the market priced equally to the vx550. Is it good? Since the GTX460 needs 2 PCI-E power connectors and a little more power, is the vx450 sufficient for it? Are there any cheaper alternatives for a vx550 capable of powering a 460 or some future graphics cards ?

If I choose all the ideal things in my list, the cost comes to 38k :sad:. Where can I tone things down and sacrifice minimum performance?

And does anyone know of a really great shop in Hyderabad. I spoke to Shweta Computers to a guy called Vivek and he was pretty up to date with everything and not like lame guys who need to call to someone to know the prices and about hardware. Most prices seemed to be gr8 as well, but no bargaining at all. Is anyone else also going to purchase a new pc in Hyderabad? Maybe we can go together.
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Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
AMD Athlon II x4 635 @ 5k
Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H @ 4.5k
G.Skill 2GB DDR3 1333MHz @ 2.3k
Zotac GX460 768MB @ 10.5k
WD 500GB Blue @ 2k
LG H55N DVD @ 1k
Corsair VX450W @ 3.7k
CM elite 310 @ 1.5k

Total - 30.5k

processor - yes AFAIK 955 fan is noisy. a good cooler such as cm hyper tx3 @ 1.3k will be good if someone not into oc. but 955 and i5 760 are out of your budget. 635 is a good capable processor.

motherboard - motherboard is a non usb3 and sata3 but those are not the things to worry. these features will take time to enter mainstream..

ram - for amd 1333mhz is recommended. 1600mhz wont give significant performance boost. also add another 2gb later.

gfx card - gtx460, hd5770 will handle 720p and 1080p(in most games)..gts450 will handle 720p but 1080p with lowered details.

hard drive - better upgrade your hard drive as its within your budget.

cabinet - cm elite 430 out of your budget. cm elite 310 will serve good.

psu - vx450w will easily handle the above config. its got 1pcie power connector. but molex adapters are provided AFAIK. better confirm..


Broken In
Thanks Jaskanwar for the reply. Even I felt the 635 to be the best. Will decide 2GB Ram VS Hard Disk as well & consider the vx550 (1k More) with the NVidia 460 so that I can overclock later or have room for future upgrades too.

Instead of The CM Elite 310, how is the Zebronics Bijli (it comes with some extra fans as well) ??

Zotac GX460 768MB @ 10.5k --> The price I am getting for this is 11.8k at least.. From where can I get it for so less ? And How is the Galaxy GTX 460 768MB (its factory overclocked too with a custom fan)

As just as a thought .. In case I decide to Increase my budget (by 5-6k more) , which would be better in respect to all round performance, overclocking and being a little more future proof ?? Price would be more or less same I guess.
955 + CM Hyper 212+ Cooler
Intel 760 + Stock HSF + P55/H55 Motherboard

Also, should branded thermal pastes like CM Arctic Silver be considered for 300-400 for the 1. Athlon 635 2. Phenom 955 or 3. I5 760 ?

Cool Buddy

Wise Old Owl
Even for GTX 460, VX450 will be enough. If you are in Kolkata, processor will cost around 4.5-4.6k.
For USB 3.0 mobo, you can consider Gigabyte GA 880GMA UD2H or MSI 880GMA E45
Considering your budget, you better stick to AMD or you will have to compromise on the graphics card.

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
better get a new hard disk. also if you can spend 1k more on vx550w it will be nice. it will give you more upgrade headroom in future.

zebronics bijli is also good one. check the build quality, no. of fans etc when buying.

zotac is available at lynx india at that price. Lynx Chandigarh - Largest Audio , Electronic And Computer Online Superstore In India. galaxy is also good. go with any of them.

if you increase your budget by 5-6k more then get -

AMD Athlon II x4 635 @ 5k
Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H @ 4.5k
G.Skill 2GB DDR3 1333MHz @ 2.3k
WD 500GB Blue @ 2k
LG H55N DVD @ 1k
Corsair VX550W @ 4.7k
CM elite 310 @ 1.5k

Total - 36k.

that msi card is available at

also first concentrate on the things that you cant upgrade easily. things such as ram can always be bought later.

yup, if you will oc 635 a lot say upto 3.5ghz, then get a good thermal paste. stock thermal paste is not that good.


manish- you already know so much of what you exactly want.
If possible, don't compromise for little.

Here is a config i had for a friend's gaming rig in approx 30K-35K
As buying good gfx card, he prefer motherboard without onboard graphics and ATX.

X4 635 - 5K approx (also had X2 550 BE in mind but new batches mostly don't unlock succesfully i have heard)
ASUS M4A87TD/USB3 - 5.7K approx (ATX, SB850, USB3.0, SATA 6Gbps, dual intelligent processors for good overclocking and low power consumption, ...)
2x2GB Corsair DDR3 1333Mhz/1600Mhz - 4.5K approx
HD5770 - 8.5K-9K approx (or GTS450/GTX460 768MB)
Corsair VX450 - 3.5K-3.7K approx
1TB 7200.12 Seagate - 2.9-3K approx
NZXT Gamma - 2.1K approx/CM Elite 430 case - 2.8K approx (if wants windowed sidepanel)

Ideally, i would like a GTX460 1GB and a VX550 at least for gaming at 1080p, budget permitting of course. :p

If you can spare a little more for a 880G ATX motherboard, take a look at the ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 (ATX, lots of great features)
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

suggest you keep 4GB RAM, especially as you will use Windows 7.
You may get a GTX460 1GB for little more than the price you got for GTX460 768MB.
A friend had Corsair XMS3 1600Mhz 6GB kit and that had SPD data for 1333Mhz at CL8- 4GB kit may have too but have to check.
For cards like GTX460 1GB that need 2 power connectors, it is recommended and preferable to use good PSU that has 2x PCIe power connectors like VX550.
Zebronics Bijli used to be flimsy but ok to use as it was a cheap case with option for 120mm exhaust- new ones don't have 120mm fan support for exhaust i have heard.
With a quad, a GTS450/GTX460, psu at top, single 120mm or smaller fan exhaust- things may get a bit hot inside the case.
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Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
hd5850 is your best deal as you can afford it.

a mobo with onboard gfx wont give performance troubles.
also windows 7 runs flawlessly on 2gb ram.
as i mentioned earlier first concentrate on the things which are not easily upgradeable.
also gtx460 will run on vx450w. molex adapters are there for compensating a less pcie connector..
also avoid asus as its distributor rashi sucks..
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^ Jas- please consider this a casual discussion.
I am only replying to your post as you addressed me directly- else i do not comment on other posts unless there is some error or important addition.
I really appreciate all the time and effort you take to help everyone.
But i don't want a difference of opinion/s to turn into a debate or argument.

- If someone is buying a good gfx card and one can get a ATX mobo with newer and better features for not much more, i see no harm in doing so.
- And there are people who think 2GB is just about ok even for casual work.
Depends from person to person i guess.
- Sometimes some things don't get upgraded even if planned initially. I feel it's usually better to buy balanced rig at one go.
- convertors/adaptors are best avoided. It's a temporary fix imho to get things up and running thats ometimes end up unfixing things..
They are provided as backup just in case somehing is lacking/missing at user's end but only point out the fact that something is lacking in what user has.
- A few friends in Punjab, somewhere around where you may be located, said they buy ASUS as the sales and service there is good. Things have been improving for sometime now. I hope you shall notice it soon too. If you see anyone having any issues related to ASUS, please help by starting a thread with all details.
I hope you have heard of this>
ASUS Unveils the Bigger & Better - E.L.I.T.E. 2.0 Service for Motherboards
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Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
ya sure buddy, i know its a casual discussion and everybody has a right to express himself and suggest.:)
but the main concern is buying that mobo will not enable him to get a good gfx card like hd5850 twin frozr or gtx460 1gb or 768mb.
i personally still use 2gb and windows 7, play games, everything lag free. depends as you said on our personal mental satisfaction also. he can always add another 2gb later.
the rig i mentioned is very much balanced one IMO. also remember his main purpose is gaming.
when i got my rig i found that my eps12v connector is not able to reach the mobo. ordered a lian li extension and everything is fine. also converters are provided with gfx cards in the package...
about service we shall see it in this forum only..if no probs sometime from now, asus becoming good!!
BTW where do you live...
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Broken In
Hey guys ... no need to start a fight in my absence :p
I was looking for a motherboard with onboard video coz it helps when u have troubles with graphics card and it has gone for replaceement. Had to wait for nearly 20 days once with my P4 and used onboard graphics 880G motherboard it will be.
Regarding the gfx card to buy, Radeon 6000 is nearly out, so would be best to wait for price cuts and better cards. Maybe we continue this Graphics Card+PSU dicussion in a few days. My P4 still does everything perrty well except play games so it will give me good company till either i sell it or buy a new rig whichever is earlier.

And why has the Athlon x4 645 not hit India yet ?
And yes once can work with 2GB on Win7 very well if expecially its 32bit.

And Jaskanwar, i found my 250 GB 7200 Seagate Barracuda is Sata-II after all, my old motherboad was SATA-I and HDD was running backward compatible. Since am not in any particular space crunch can save on the HDD for now and add it anytime later.

Pegasus, was thinking of an adapter free system as well ie. vx550. And tell me one thing, does the vx550 have problems reaching up to the motherboard on a bottom PSU Cabinet coz I was thinking I skip the good looks bit and get a NZXT Gamma and not worry abt a bad cabinet later. Also saw the Zebronics Invader with the LCD Display and fan control new consideration on that too.. guys, how is the cabinet it practice? If all fail the CM 430 it will be.. I guess my budgets all gone haywire :D

Other guys (apart from Jaskanwar and Pegasus), please comment on Asus current support, because even I "heard" abt bad service.


Swimming, eh??
X4 635 - 5K approx (also had X2 550 BE in mind but new batches mostly don't unlock succesfully i have heard)

I'd like to beg to differ here, two of my friends who have Phenom 55xBE (bought on summer.10.) successfully unlocked their cps to 4core.
And I am not so sure but between the two, 550 & 635, i think 550 performs better at gaming.
But i'l opt with 635.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Other guys (apart from Jaskanwar and Pegasus), please comment on Asus current support, because even I "heard" abt bad service.
To be honest, Asus' distributors Rashi Peripherals are crap [my own experience] and I will suggest you to avoid them.

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
Hey guys ... no need to start a fight in my absence :p
I was looking for a motherboard with onboard video coz it helps when u have troubles with graphics card and it has gone for replaceement. Had to wait for nearly 20 days once with my P4 and used onboard graphics 880G motherboard it will be.
Regarding the gfx card to buy, Radeon 6000 is nearly out, so would be best to wait for price cuts and better cards. Maybe we continue this Graphics Card+PSU dicussion in a few days. My P4 still does everything perrty well except play games so it will give me good company till either i sell it or buy a new rig whichever is earlier.

And why has the Athlon x4 645 not hit India yet ?
And yes once can work with 2GB on Win7 very well if expecially its 32bit.

And Jaskanwar, i found my 250 GB 7200 Seagate Barracuda is Sata-II after all, my old motherboad was SATA-I and HDD was running backward compatible. Since am not in any particular space crunch can save on the HDD for now and add it anytime later.

Pegasus, was thinking of an adapter free system as well ie. vx550. And tell me one thing, does the vx550 have problems reaching up to the motherboard on a bottom PSU Cabinet coz I was thinking I skip the good looks bit and get a NZXT Gamma and not worry abt a bad cabinet later. Also saw the Zebronics Invader with the LCD Display and fan control new consideration on that too.. guys, how is the cabinet it practice? If all fail the CM 430 it will be.. I guess my budgets all gone haywire :D

Other guys (apart from Jaskanwar and Pegasus), please comment on Asus current support, because even I "heard" abt bad service.

corsair has long wires provided..the problem was with fsp.
gamma is good, you can get it.


the shop guys seem really confident of asus quality, they say their service is also good,but i dont trust them at all, get their stuff if there is no other option...


ASUS Unveils the Bigger & Better - E.L.I.T.E. 2.0 Service for Motherboards

E.L.I.T.E. 2.0 - India's Largest Service Network for Motherboards Now Offers Burnt & Corrosion Warranty on All ASUS Motherboards & Expands Reach to 798 Indian Cities
ASUS Unveils the Bigger & Better - E.L.I.T.E. 2.0 Service for Motherboards


Broken In
now that the 6850 and 6870 performance is out, what do u think about the GTX 460 768MB vs 1GB vs Radeon 6850.
What do you think all the revised prices in India will be at and by when ???
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