Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

Third Eye

gooby pls
Apr 2, 2006
The Forbidden Kingdom - Good Martial-Arts Movie
Jackie Chan and Jet Li together for the first time in this movie.


I have Yolks not Brains!
Aug 7, 2006
Seems like u coming to a whole new experience, and believe me Korean cinema has got some very cool movies. Gimme a call if u want to know abt some.
Yeah , This is my first Korean Film(second actually, First was Sex Is Zero which I found better than American Pie series or Parallel films ) and I surely would like to know some more Great philms like that. Currently I'm GETTING My Sassy Girl, how is it? Recommend me some more Kwel Korean Philms like Old Boy...

Next Recommendation :
American Beauty

Simply awesome film, thats what a great movie is like.!!!!
Must watch!!!
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May 30, 2007
...Currently I'm Downloading My Sassy Girl, how is it...

oops, edit that line before the mods see it..!

coming to movies i watched
1. untraceable (2/5) - kinda ok movie, interesting in the beginning but it becomes more of a horror than a thriller in the end..
2. The air i breathe (3/5) - good twists, but dint quite understand the plot of the
3. Semi-Pro(3.5/5) - refreshing comedy movie that i got to watch after a long time.. kinda inspirational too..!


Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
^^101 Reykjavik - if u want to lighten up the breakup trauma :D
Icelandic movie, indeed great one, the ending deserves an oscar, OST is just mind boggling

Watch with an open mind though


Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
^^Its not pure icelandic, some chars do speak in english in the movie, though for rest of the part u have to be on subs.

And believe me u will have that wicked smile throughout the movie :D
Someones quote from IMDB:
"101 Reykjavik is very funny, only because the main character is such a loser! And everybody knows is a lot more interesting to observe a loser instead of a fake action hero, right?"

listen to the 101 Reykjavik theme on, its one of the coolest beat.
* reykjavik//music/?q=101 reykjavik


Aug 26, 2006
Iron Man

Forbidden Kingdom...........very Good Movie

Narnia : Price Caspian .......very Very Good Movie


Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
Yeah , This is my first Korean Film(second actually, First was Sex Is Zero which I found better than American Pie series or Parallel films ) and I surely would like to know some more Great philms like that. Currently I'm GETTING My Sassy Girl, how is it? Recommend me some more Kwel Korean Philms like Old Boy...

Next Recommendation :
American Beauty

Simply awesome film, thats what a great movie is like.!!!!
Must watch!!!

sex is zero 2 released, watched it but nothings so spectacular about it, its just like the first one, except the new gal and she too had some problem in past, there is a similar trick to that bread sandwich, but this time its lolipop and you know wat :D

Some more great movies:
Memories of Murder (Its the one best of breed real serial killer movie, 10 women were the prey of felony and brutal murder, there is a sarcasm too, to the callous government officials at that time, and a very sad ending)

A Bittersweet Life (a poetic cinematography revenge action masterpiece that beats the hollow in most of the hollywood action movies, remember action is not all about kungu fu and useless fight)

A Tale of Two Sister (you thought Tylar was the only legend, nope there is more to that, its not even horror but the very thought is scary and the ending leaves u speechless)

The Classic (All I can say is Titanic was crap, feel the innocence and beauty in thi movie, the love that reborn from ashes to take the second chance to meet )

Bungee Jumping of Their Own (Unforgettable masterpiece, love transit from one realm to another, I wont spoil the plot here, you gotta watch this one)

Sadmovie (4 parallel stories unrelated but they intersect beautifully at the end, and as the name suggets the ending is sad, amusingly the same tune is played at varous moments and it fits them nicely, added bonus of great OST)

A Moment to Remember (compare it to Notebook and u fail, its certainly better abd more engrossing)

Marathon (TZP looks cheap after watching this, and this is based on real person who created a marathon record despite his disablity) (A mother want to see her daughter happy for the last days of her life)

Lover's Concerto (Love is more than love at first sight, sometimes you can be very wrong, but then it gets too late to return the time, sad ending but a joyous ride thorughout the movie)

Once in A Summer (I love this movie to the core)

Lump of Sugar (A movie about a gal and her horse, beautifully crafted sequences, dont be fooled by thinking if this happened for real)

Windstruck (prequel to My Sassy Girl, certainly I dont recommend this movie, its not a worthy prequel but if u do want to try this out then watch it when u have nothing else to watch)

Wedding Campaign (The guy is a farmer(35) and still not married, he plans to go Uzbekistan with his friend to get some chick to marry, there someones runs an agency to get people married )

Samaritan Girl
(Kim Ki Duk masterpiece, almost all movies by this director are worth watching, though dont expect the movie to be realistic, the charaters are just mere caricature of the society and they represent the problems in society and not a particular person)

The Beast and The Beauty (lol..this one is a comedy, wat if u are not good looking(and everybody thinks u r a loser) and u made a girlfriend (by letting her imagine u as a prince) who is blind but later she gets her eyes after operation, what do u gonna do now ?? )

My Little Bride (a grandfather like to see her daughter to be married before he dies, so the gal who is a high school student is married to a graduate boy, now what could be more funny to see the rest of the story)

My Sassy Girl was my first Korean movie and its a healthy romantic funny movie, a must watch for everyone, once n a life you dream about a girlfriend like her. Though the girl is crazy but what seems is not actually what it is.

May be i missed some good ones to add to the list.


Chillum Baba
Nov 27, 2004
My observation of Korean movies :-

Most of them are quite watchable.
Many of them have incest which is kinda turnoff.
Theres a trend in many movies these days, not just korean, to have an abrupt ending and leave it to the audience to interprete. First few movies you tend to enjoy it, but then it starts getting on your nerves. Most of the Japanese and Korean movies have it. Maybe I am too old fashioned.
But having said that, the movies are awesome. I have become a big fan. And my Korean journey has just begun.

Some more great movies:
Memories of Murder (Its the one best of breed real serial killer movie, 10 women were the prey of felony and brutal murder, there is a sarcasm too, to the callous government officials at that time, and a very sad ending)

The buildup to end was too cool. But then I think, by now I have had enough of 'interprete your own ending' movies. They have stopped appealing me. I used to like them till not so long ago.

A Tale of Two Sister (you thought Tylar was the only legend, nope there is more to that, its not even horror but the very thought is scary and the ending leaves u speechless)

A very brilliant movie. Remains one of my all time favs. I think it was my first korean movie and I was totally blown over.

The Classic (All I can say is Titanic was crap, feel the innocence and beauty in thi movie, the love that reborn from ashes to take the second chance to meet )

Agree. Add to it nice soundtrack and background score. Can be watched many times. Good to watch with your gf/wife.

Bungee Jumping of Their Own (Unforgettable masterpiece, love transit from one realm to another, I wont spoil the plot here, you gotta watch this one)

When the school scene began, I thought it would go Mohabattein way!! The guy also looked like Uday Chopra and I got scared. But thankfully it changed the track!! Quite a weird movie in the second half!

Sadmovie (4 parallel stories unrelated but they intersect beautifully at the end, and as the name suggets the ending is sad, amusingly the same tune is played at varous moments and it fits them nicely, added bonus of great OST)

Didn't appeal me much. One time watch.

A Moment to Remember (compare it to Notebook and u fail, its certainly better abd more engrossing)

Very touching movie. I could relate it with my life and it was scary! Just imagining the situation sends shivers through my spine. Highly recommended to everybody.

Marathon (TZP looks cheap after watching this, and this is based on real person who created a marathon record despite his disablity)

The actor is really awesome. The movie really builds up on you. Chonchony (slowly!!).

Lover's Concerto
Might watch it tomor. Got the DVD :D

Once in A Summer (I love this movie to the core)
In my list.

Windstruck (prequel to My Sassy Girl, certainly I dont recommend this movie, its not a worthy prequel but if u do want to try this out then watch it when u have nothing else to watch)

Agree. Not quite in sassy,classic league. But watchable. Loved the rap track.

My Sassy Girl was my first Korean movie and its a healthy romantic funny movie, a must watch for everyone, once n a life you dream about a girlfriend like her. Though the girl is crazy but what seems is not actually what it is.

Anybody can enjoy this movie. Can be watched multiple times.

Oldboy - Found it quite unrealistic. Excessive violence never bothers me. And maybe watching Zinda couple of years back ruined my fun.

Few recommendations :-

A Moment to Remember
The Classic
My sassy girl
Il Mare - Was remade in hollywood as The Lake House.
3-Iron - Just watch it for its 'Silence.' The movie has very few words spoken in it. Reminds you of Pushpak (just the silent part, not the script). Then it has this amazing track being played most of the time. A song called 'Gafsa.' Its magical. But again, I am not sure whether to recommend it or not as the ending is typical korean! Still, worth one watch.

ps - Why don't they remake The Classic in bollywood? Don't you think it would be a massive hit?

The Outsider

Beneath The Eyelids
Aug 13, 2006
A Tale of Two Sisters was excellent, i'll have a look at Memories of Murder.
Would like to mention Angela's Ashes, pretty sorrowful and touching movie with a classical touch, the religious aspect gets a bit annoying at times but still its pretty much embraceable. I'm off to watching Sweeney Todd, wanted to watch it since forever :D


Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
My observation of Korean movies :-

Most of them are quite watchable.
Many of them have incest which is kinda turnoff.
Theres a trend in many movies these days, not just korean, to have an abrupt ending and leave it to the audience to interprete. First few movies you tend to enjoy it, but then it starts getting on your nerves. Most of the Japanese and Korean movies have it. Maybe I am too old fashioned.
But having said that, the movies are awesome. I have become a big fan. And my Korean journey has just begun.

The buildup to end was too cool. But then I think, by now I have had enough of 'interprete your own ending' movies. They have stopped appealing me. I used to like them till not so long ago.
How many movies u seen had in_cest ? I guess i watched this only in oldboy and that too was not intentional, the protagonist didnt know, and wat if u are captured for 15 years and let out, the first thing he will think of will be food and then se_x, others movies mentioned has nothing abt that.

And the Serial Killer in Memories of Murder is still not captured even after more than 13 years. So how can they show his face.

They did sent the DNA scan application but to Japan and not America, this movie was more about how the department was corrupt and people just didn't respond, how many were falsely captured and what actually it like to be murdered after felony.

Though I dont say that u can watch every Korean movie, yeah some of the movies will feel like seeing the same stuff. But the ones I mentioned above are a few chosen one that are watchable. Of course I ended up watching some not so good Korean movies too, those are not recommended here:D


Feb 8, 2005
What kind of movies should one watch after a breakup :|
Listen to "What goes around comes around" Justin Timberlake
If you are still on to her.. Watch "The notebook", "A walk to remember", "Away from her" and then try to get her back. If not, watch Kung fu movies :p
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Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
When the school scene began, I thought it would go Mohabattein way!! The guy also looked like Uday Chopra and I got scared. But thankfully it changed the track!! Quite a weird movie in the second half!
This one looks weird for a while. But then I liked it much, even if they can live they can atleast die peacefully to see if the fate rewinds the time and set them back at where they were. And you got to know why the weird name is there:D
IMO its greater than all love stories, it shows the aspect with the feeling and not with the person.

Btw did i mention the background scores were quite good:D
Didn't appeal me much. One time watch.
yeah not much appealing, but good soundtrack and few scenes made it for me.
The one where the jobless guys says goodbye is a precious moment, the thing he used for profit took everything from him :(
The gal who wears the costume acts funnily but deep inside she hides the pain.
The mother-child story is a common [problem nowadays, the desecrate fate of child was least expected.
The fireman story was a bit pulled at the end, it could hav ended without a video tape.

But i must appreciate cinematography.

ps - Why don't they remake The Classic in bollywood? Don't you think it would be a massive hit?
yeah it will be a massive hit but i seriously dont want any remake, i know the the plot will be killed thousand times and some American lingo will be introduced.
I cant hear saying OMG WTF BBQ by the characters in the remake :D
Getting a girl so innocent looking will be a let down in hollywood:(

Guess I need to watch 3-iron, its by Kim Ki Duk afterall:D, his movies are a great treat for me. The subtleties of life are shown so much easily. I have watched Spring,summer,fall,winter and spring, samaritan girl and bad guy. They all were awesome, only if u think apart from the entertainment values.

Listen to "What goes around comes around" Justin Timberlake
wat say about this one :D
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Feb 8, 2005
I like the song.. but not as good as Timberlake's
Especially these lines... they just speak that much!!

*Let me paint this picture for you baby

you spend your nights alone
and he never comes home
everytime you call all you get's a busy tone
i heard you found out
that he's doing to you
what you did to me
Ain't that the way it goes

you cheated girl
my heart bleeds girl
it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt
just a classic case
a scenario
tale as old as time

I like the song.. but not as good as Timberlake's
Especially these lines... they just speak that much!!

Let me paint this picture for you baby

you spend your nights alone
and he never comes home
everytime you call all you get's a busy tone
i heard you found out
that he's doing to you
what you did to me
Ain't that the way it goes

you cheated girl
my heart bleeds girl
it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt
just a classic case
a scenario
tale as old as time
girl you got what you deserved

and now you want somebody
to cure your lonely nights
you wish you had somebody
that could come and make it right

But girl I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy
you'll see
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Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
^^ I had the video of this song, Justin and Scarlett

here is another I forgot in the pile (Theory of a deadman):
:D pretty funny video and awesome vocals

Well it ain't no surprise
That you turn me on and leave
It ain't no surprise
That you turn it around on me
I don't know why
You won't give me what I need
It ain't no surprise
That that b!tch is leavin' me

My friends are mean to me
They say I don't break up too well
(They know)
All this crying gets to me
And no one seems to give a sh!t
Well I know you want to
So go on and say it
Just go on and say it
Just go on and say it............
And if u still think that every thing rewind to the time where it was OK then:
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Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
This one is good! :)
PS: lets not get carried away from the title! :D

k sticking to the matter

Last movie I watched was Vampire Hunter D : Bloodlust

its an animated movie got some damn good storyline and cool ending and not so typical vampire hunt and run movie, watch it if u are into animated movies:)